All Stories
It is finally clicking
A beautiful friend of mine at work and I always talk about manifesting things in our lives and we were frustrated with where we were in our lives. Then one day she comes running into work telling me about this dvd called The Secret. I couldn’t wait to get home and watch it. I watched…
Read More →Making it yours.
A few years I was getting frustrated with my old computer — it couldn’t take any more upgrades, and wouldn’t support Microsoft Word, which was the program most publishers accept submissions in. I went to the store that carried Macs to get a new computer and purchased the smallest notebook they had. While I was…
Read More →Drawings on a Cave Wall
Just this morning I had another epiphany while looking at all the things I’ve posted on my walls here. These things include stills from The Secret To Riches video clip such as: “I have my dream home”; I am grateful and I celebrate every day”; I have more riches than King Solomon’s Mines”; and personal…
Read More →Giving myself the BEST of the BEST
For the past few years I’ve been utilizing “The Secret” without even knowing it. My husband and I recently moved. For the past year we had no idea where we were moving, we wanted to stay in the same neighborhood and keep our phone numbers intact. We were afraid that we couldn’t afford it, but…
Read More →Been Living it- just didn’t know it…
I read the story by Nana… interestingly this is what my grandchildren call me. Her name caught my eye. She talks about how she had been living with the pieces to The Secret but never put the puzzle together. I could have written that story! The most bizarre was a time when I was totally…
Read More →Law of Attraction is truly working
I had just received my copy of, “The Secret” in the mail. I decided that I wanted to watch it immediately, so I did. I was so blown by what I had witnesses and reflecting on success and all of the money that I would receive. As I was going in to tell my mother…
Read More →3 Times this week!!
A month ago, I was introduced to The Secret by a very good friend of mine; since he is just as skeptical as I am on all matters relating to beliefs, self improvement, etc., I was very surprised that he had related to the content of the DVD and agreed to see it. So we…
Read More →Co-incidence? I think not!!
I viewed “The Secret” which was a phenomenal movie. It was thought provoking, encouraging and very interesting. The day after watching “The Secret” I was doing my laundry and had just taken the last load out of the dryer and placed the clothes into the basket for ironing when I noticed that there was something…
Read More →I think I am off to a good start
So I watched The Secret 2 weeks ago for the first time and I was so overwhelmed with what I had learned. My partner and I decided we needed to get ourselves in order and decide how our lives were going to be from this point on. I started with a list of some things…
Read More →A Beautiful Butterfly
Immediately after I watched The Secret I felt better than I have for years. I was ready to hear and integrate its message. I went outside and said “I want a beautiful butterfly.” A black one flew by and I said, “No, I don’t want a black one, I want an especially beautiful one.” The…
Read More →I got the job
I had just moved due to my husband’s new job and was unemployed. I had been looking for a job but nothing was really exciting me. I was becoming really reluctant to look for a job and said to myself “It would be nice for a job just to fall in my lap”. A week…
Read More →When a Cookie Becomes a Springboard
My parents introduced me to the secret a couple of months ago and I try to watch it several times a week. I had heard of the law of attraction before, but never really took it to heart before viewing this film. A few weeks ago, I decided to put the concepts to the test…
Read More →Hot Water, Hot Weather, Steaming Hot Boss
This past summer (2006) Texas had triple digit heat for 21 days. I live on the top floor of a 3-story building. There are 4 units on each floor. When the temperature went over 100 degrees my air conditioner could not keep up. It was 90 degrees during the day and would not cool down…
Read More →Manifestation
I first saw The Secret about 3weeks ago at a friend’s house. She had asked me to watch it a month before that but I never got to it. After I watched it so many things clicked that I was slightly overwelmed. I went home and asked my husband to watch it with me and…
Read More →Heavens Outpouring!
My husband and I own a business in Palm Beach County. During the spring and summer months our business for some reason came to a screeching halt. I watched the secret the later part of July 2006 and began focusing on asking the universe to provide customers. Whenever I noticed the phone NOT RINGING, I…
Read More →Cheques, cheques, cheques in the mail
The leader of my success team lent me The Secret. I watched it with my husband and my son that first night, creating the family movie night I had envisioned in the past few months. One of my favourite parts of the movie is the part about having more cheques than bills, so I started…
Read More →The 5 year old.
I had my 13 year old watch The Secret. The first 30 minutes, she was saying “This will never work…” and the rest of the movie I didn’t hear a word from her. A week later, my 13 year old was being very negative. My five year old daughter ran over to me and whispered…
Read More →$44,000
shortly after learning about the law of attraction, i was going through my finances and realized that i did not need a mere few thousand dollars in order to “catch up” or “get ahead,” rather i needed $44,000 in order to keep my head above water. within days of realizing the sum i needed and…
Read More →The Powerful Minds of Children
I had only learned about The Secret two days before my son had a very important swim meet. I was introduced to The Secret by a friend after sharing with her all the bad things that kept “happening” to me. After watching the movie I was so inspired and felt like I had the world…
Read More →Healing with Joy Bugs
I watched The Secret just last week. I had been going through some rough times due to a degenerative disk disease that causes a lot of pain and often curtails my ability to work for long periods of time. No work means less income, which in turn causes more unpaid bills which cause more stress…and…
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