All Stories
Don’t settle for less
God directed me to The Secret on 2-10-08… while in a bookstore looking for anything but The Secret. I had heard about it, but didn’t give it much thought. I debated for about ten minutes over whether to get The Secret or another book that I really wanted. In the end I got The Secret….
Read More →To say: Oh My Gosh!!!
At first I must thank you Rhonda, because the moment that I have finished my reading I felt that my life has changed. One day my sister asked me to stay in her house because she was planing go out with her family. I was kind of bored until I noticed a big book on…
Read More →Anything & Everything You’ve Always Wanted
I’ve always had issues with my weight. And I’m not fat, and not really overweight too much, but I have room to lose a few pounds. I’ve always wanted my body to be more toned and perfected. I’ve done everything from starving myself, to working out nonstop, and diet pills. None of these ever worked…
Read More →Good luck!
The Secret has truly transformed my life for the better. I watch it often, listen to the CDs every day, and exercise the Law of Attraction on a regular basis. I cleared my mind and pictured the guy I would like to date, and attracted him. I ask for parking spaces and 99% of the…
About a year and a half ago I was living in Los Angeles for a few months with my two little girls (a five-month-old and a five-year-old) while my husband was in South Africa. We were living apart because in South Africa we just couldn’t survive financially anymore, so my husband and I had decided…
Read More →If you Believe, you will get what you want
October 2007: On our family vacation to Hershey Park, PA, I watched The Secret. I did not start applying what I learned until January 2008. Over and over I envisioned myself winning various contests. In the past 3 months, I really focused on what I would like to do and things I would like to…
Read More →Never ever give up…
I got introduced to The Secret through my flatmate around about August 2007. She got the DVD and told me to watch it because she wanted to know what I thought of it after watching. I never really took anything in on the first time I watched it, because I never really believed it at…
Read More →The Universe Is Listening
I heard about the Secret last year and just knew it was the answer to something that had been tugging at my heart for months, maybe years even. I immediately bought the book and the DVD and became so excited as a whole new world opened up to me. Since that time, I have been…
Read More →The Test
I have put TS to the test eleven times now, and it worked for me eleven in a row in just three months. The first test was when I visualized receiving two twenty dollar bills. I saved a message on my mobile phone that I would receive it by February 10. It was February 4…
Read More →Doesn’t Always Come The Way you Think
I heard about The Secret for the first time when it was on Oprah. I am never sick and never call out from work but I happened to be sick on that day and stayed home (which I don’t think was any coincidence). After watching the show I didn’t really think about The Secret for…
Read More →Wishes Being Granted
First Wish: A few weeks ago, I had given my daughter a check to cover some of her college expenses. I briefly thought of my savings account balance getting lower, but decided not to worry about it. A few days before getting my taxes done, I asked “The Universe” that I receive a tax refund…
Read More →Restored by Faith
I want to thank you all for your wonderful stories, they have brought much joy and inspiration. I have been reading and listening to The Secret for about a year, now. My experience with The Secret started with parking spaces, which have been right on. For awhile I had been faced with financial overload, so…
Read More →Asking, Believing, and Receiving…
I have read the book “The Secret”. Although I am already a positive thinker with a positive outlook on life, the Secret has showed me a whole new level to go with my thought process. I am very thankful to have it in my life. The power of using the law of attraction has me…
Read More →Finally
Before I ever came across The Secret, I always had those dreams that I could imagine what would happen. I loved day dreaming and just make-believing that everything I wanted in life was mine. I just did it for that time and that was it, never ever in my wildest dreams would I ever think…
Read More →The Universe proved it to me!
I had originally watched The Secret movie in December, but didn’t really take action then to make it a part of my daily life. However I noticed that The Secret would appear and stand out when I would go to the store…. a book at one store, the CDs at another. I finally bought both…
Read More →Testing the Secret
It was eve of Easter. And I needed to go to the shops after work. I knew the car park at the mall would be busy. So before I drove off I went into that quiet space and imagined already having the car space in exactly the right spot in the middle on the ground…
Read More →Gift of a Lifetime
My aunt shared “The Secret” with me almost exactly a year ago, in March of 2007. The title of my story relates to the gift she gave me by sharing with me her new found “Secret”. It is something that I will be using for the rest of my life!!! At the time I was…
Read More →“Believe in Yourself”
I was reading all the stories here to keep me positive and focused on believing. As I turned over I saw this poem which I have taped to the desk, that I wanted to share. Believe in Yourself- in the power you have to control your own life, day by day, Believe in the strength…
Read More →A Lexus in my garage
When I first started reading The Secret I was captivated by the idea of using a “vision board” to help me visualize my dreams. I put pictures of my dream house, dream body, and my dream car on this board. I printed off a picture of a 2007 Lexus RX 400H in white with tan…
Read More →Eyes
I’m a girl of 27 years old, and I always felt like my appearance had to change. I wanted it to be better. I felt that would make me like my reflection in the mirror better and also… for some boys to like me better too. I decided, in all trust of the plastic surgeon,…
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