Below are all stories archived as Life
janeyas story
It was a nice sunny day and when I saw someone from a distance. The figure looked like one of my family that I hadn’t seen in a long, long time. I had read the Secret book a couple of weeks earlier and I’d put it out to the universe that I would see my…
Read More →Riches in my Life
Again I am one of those followers who has not known about the secret but can look back and recognise its work in my life. I watched the Secret Millionaire recently and the woman profiled was an advocate of the Secret but I had no idea what it was. After a few sleepless nights needlessly…
I was first introduced to The Secret by a colleague several years ago, but, unfortunately, I was in such a negative place back then that, after reading a couple of pages, I was actually fearful of what reading the book would do to my life. How ridiculous that sounds now! Thankfully, it was recommended to…
Read More →Applying The Secret to find a lost document
Few days back, my wife and I lost an important family document. My wife spent a week looking for it everywhere in the house while I was in a different city. She phoned me and she was crying, because she thought that she was the reason for losing it and she felt bad. I told…
Read More →You have to FEEL IT!
For the last four years I have been struggling with dating and relationships. I didn’t understand why every guy I was interested in didn’t want a relationship. I constantly would blame myself which caused me to be even more insecure than I already was! A few months ago, I signed up on a few dating…
Read More →Love
I have loved a girl for three years but she did not love me. I used the Secret and now she loves me! We are falling in love, and my life is very nice.
Read More →I Finally Feel Beautiful
I have used The Secret for getting certain items that I desire, but there was one thing that I didn’t ever have: good self-esteem. I always wished to have perfect skin, hair, etc. overall being pretty. But I never saw that when I looked into the mirror. Then that made me complain and say that…
The real Secret is simply this. “Knowing”, as sure as night follows day, what you truly want, and going for it. The problem with most people is that they don’t know what they want, they just “think” they do. The reality is this: Where there is the “will”, there is a way. I still don’t…
Read More →Thank God
I just wanna say GOD BLESS You! I’m reading your stories and I’m getting hope every time I do. I will write my story later when it’s all clear. Keep writing your stories plzzzzz. It helps people like me. Thank You GOD and Rhonda 🙂 Love u!
Read More →living my dream!
The story begins in 2008, at that time I had absolutely no idea that something like ‘The Secret’ existed. I was in 10th and it was my SSC Board Exam, and it was very important for me to get good marks. But at that time, about a month before the exam, my entire class got…
Read More →From Tension to Compensation
I wanted to write you, simply to show my appreciation, for sharing The Secret. To be honest, I bought and read your book, but allowed the information to slip away from me. Yesterday, I had a sudden urge to watch the movie — So I rented it on iTunes. After watching it two times, I…
Read More →The Pursuit of More Joy
As a child, I was always embarrassed by my name. I received a lot of teasing when the teacher called last name first, Moore Joy. However, as an adult, my name is a blessing. I am on a journey, pursuit, or path to put more joy in others lives. As a bartender for over a…
Read More →Life, my dears, is a fairy tale
Well, I really do not know with what to start. I cannot say that I am among one of those who used The Secret and knows how it really works. I had many things in my life: beautiful, tragic ones It really influenced the way I see life, it identified my personality and my desires….
Read More →Telling My Own Future
I know this is long – but do read it! It’s not a story, it’s a method. I hope it works for you. I read The Secret a long time ago, but it never seemed to stick. A while ago, I decided I was really going to make it work. I read the book, watched…
Read More →Subtle Gratitude at Work
For the past three years, I’ve been a waiter at a Japanese restaurant. Typically, I love my job, but recently, I had a spell where I couldn’t stand the work. Customers were annoying, money was short, and the whole experience was a chore. This changed immediately the day I decided to show some gratitude to…
Read More →About me
I would like to share my story of how The Secret change my life. First, I realized that I am on the most beautiful planet. I look around and see beautiful trees, green grass, yellow sun, blue sky, and I started to think to myself, “The great creator created the earth so beautiful… they don’t…
Read More →Recurring success
I’ve added my initial results from trying this on this site previously, but wanted to add my thoughts after reading many of the stories this month (March 2010). I’ve seen the results. It’s not easy to set aside time every day, but absolutely without a doubt when I do it happens. A specific vision/feeling I…
Read More →Thank you from the family
In 2008 our family life was going through turmoil, early that year I lost my grandmother and sometime later my mother was diagnosed with a dreaded life threatening disease. My sister had graduated from B-School but due the economic down turn she could not find a suitable job while I was still single and could…
Read More →Im trying!
I had heard of a girl on face book, I heard she could sing and I love singing so I decided to add her. She turned out to be really lovely and we decided to meet. When we did we found out we share the exact same interest and she showed me a book called…
Read More →I’m trying!
I had heard of a girl on face book, I heard she could sing and I love singing so I decided to add her. She turned out to be really lovely and we decided to meet. When we did we found out we share the exact same interest and she showed me a book called…
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