Below are all stories archived as Job
My personal wish list
I first watched The Secret on DVD last summer at my best friend’s house. We were so hooked on it we started our own gratitude book, and we even cut out things we wanted from magazines. In my gratitude book I wrote out a list of things I wanted to have by the end of…
Read More →Technology and The Secret
I work as a Graphic Artist for a printing company. Fortunately, it’s rare that I ever have to deal with the VERY large printers, but if they have issues, I definitely get to hear about it. Well, for the last couple of months I’ve heard about nothing but printing issues: it’s broken, it doesn’t recognize…
Read More →Don’t Stop Believing
MY SECRET STORY By: Karen A. Cira I first learned about The Secret in May of 2007. At the time I was employed as a Sales Trainer for a builder. I was at one of our sales offices with Deva when I received an email newsletter that spoke about how everyone was talking about The…
Read More →I know the Secret works – I am a believer
I have always been a positive person, however for the past year things have not being going well financially. I would always complain to my family about things not going right. My sister, with her positive outlook on life, introduced me to The Secret, and when I read it everything fell into place. At work…
Read More →Job offers!!!
The Secret is an incredible experience!!! I’m a very believing person, and also very spiritual, but in my life although I’m very young I’ve experienced a lot of difficulties. Last Wednesday a friend gave me and my mom a gift! It was “THE SECRET MOVIE”. I didn’t have any idea what it was about. I…
Read More →Secret was happening!!
I saw The Secret DVD, and having seen it I couldn’t believe how the Secret was working in my life even before I saw the movie. The only thing was that I had been applying the formula of the Secret… ask the universe and the universe will answer, and then when I immigrated from my…
Read More →The Optimistic Pessimist
My life began on a farm in rural Minnesota, and at the age of 8 my father was killed as a result of a tornado. The circumstances surrounding the event and the family environment following my father’s death led me to be pessimistic about life. It always seemed as though everyone else had a better…
Read More →Dreams unlimited
I went to buy “The power of subconscious mind” book, and I bought it but also but another eye catching book, “The Secret”. The moment I started reading it, I was certain that “The Secret” is already happening in my life. For example I always thought my lucky number is 14, and everywhere I go…
Read More →From Stagnant to Spectacular
When I was 26 my life was in a rut. I did not like my job, I had very few quality friendships, I did not like where I lived, and I was in and out of toxic relationships with men. During Christmas my sister introduced me to The Secret. I began focusing on the things…
Read More →Dream job just out of reach
I applied for my dream job about 5 months ago, and after being pushed aside week after week I was feeling less and less confident. My family and friends were telling me that it wasn’t the right time and to just keep applying for other jobs. I had heard about The Secret, but didn’t think…
Read More →My new job… in a week!
Hi… I love reading stories here. In fact there should be a sequel to the movie with these stories in it! Just an idea… Ok, I was unhappy with my previous job because it was getting boring and they hardly paid me (I had attracted that job through the LOA itself). So I wrote down…
Read More →Success at last!
While trying to find out some good audiobooks to listen to, especially those to do with self development, I came across “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. At first I had no idea what to expect, and to me, using the words “The Secret” seemed like just another marketing tactic, but I soon realised how important…
Read More →It happened to me…
First of all, I live in Jordan. This means I live in the Arabs World, which I think is not an open minded community. When all my friends watched the movie they all laughed and they said that this whole thing is just kidding, and just to market their movie and book; but actually the…
Read More →Miraculous Job – Miraculous JOY!
In April 2006, I was abruptly fired from a job that I loved with a major automotive corporation. I was forced to sell our 5 bedroom/3 bath home in the city and move my family to our small 1 bedroom/1 bath barn house in the country. Unemployed, depressed with our meager surroundings, and frightened for…
Read More →Success At Work
Dear Readers: I have known about the Law of Attraction for many years, and have seen many small results because of it. Such as how the book and movie ” The Secret” have entered into my life. I am writing you tonight about a work story. I have been working at a job for 1…
Read More →Be careful what you wish for
Last year I happened to be at the right place at the right time, but at the time it didn’t seem like it. Both me and my husband ended up in the hospital with a stomach virus at the same time. While we were both in separate rooms next to each other and waiting for…
Read More →Endless opportunities
My life began when my mom called me telling me about this “new” book called The Secret. She had always been telling me about the latest self help books she read, so I disregarded it at first. A few weeks later I was watching Oprah and saw the special with the different authors of The…
Read More →Getting that job
Last week a close friend of mine was told by his boss that he was being let go from his position. My friend was quite upset, and he had a sense this might happen as he was beginning to already look for a new job. On the day he was let go he was riding…
Read More →Acting As If
After watching The Secret, I was able to look back in my life and make the connection between the times I received what I believed, and how the Universe was moving in the direction I desired so long as I did believe. There are two times that especially stick out in my mind: 1. I…
Read More →Happiness works
The part in The Secret book about laughing and being happy right now, really got my attention. Laughter really opens up the universe for you. Even the smile for a minute thing got me laughing for a half hour or so. Every day I am laughing more with people. I milk it for all its…
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