Below are all stories archived as Inner
Just Give Me One Creative Sign
I’ve mentally accepted the concept of the Law of Attraction for many years, but there’s something about The Secret that sort of fleshes it out in a very concrete way. After I watched it, I decided to experiment a little by asking the Universe to send me one small sign. The first thing that popped…
Read More →Amazed
I just watched The Secret movie at a private screening. To say that I am inspired and excited is an understatement. I left with something really special. Amazingly it’s already worked. The friend who hosted the movie had a giveaway after the movie. I have a thing of never ever winning anything, I usually hope…
Read More →My Wife used The Secret
I have spent most of the last couple years in depression of one kind or another. Disgust towards my job, my rickety old home, growing older (33), financial stress and the loss of time to spend with friends and family due to the recent birth of our first child. I continually focused on the things…
Read More →The Check is in the Mail
A friend had sent me a link several months ago about The Secret. At that time, apparently, I was not yet open to receive the gift, and it’s teachings. Upon getting sick with a health problem, I decided to start meditation classes. Interestingly, the first class was linked with a group who met weekly on…
Read More →Just the beginning
I just watched the Secret 2 weeks ago and I have already watched it 6 times. I was diagnosed with an auto immune disease 4 years ago along with ostoearthritis in my hips, knees & back. I watched the movie and I started saying to universe “Thank you for my healing” and “I want to…
Read More →Here’s what I created last week…
I was driving back home from picking up some take-out dinner last Wednesday. While driving, I was thinking about how different my life is today from where it was just a few years ago. I started thinking about the vacations we’ve taken (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Cancun, Africa, Whistler BC, etc.), the money we’ve created, the…
Read More →Law of Attraction is truly working
I had just received my copy of, “The Secret” in the mail. I decided that I wanted to watch it immediately, so I did. I was so blown by what I had witnesses and reflecting on success and all of the money that I would receive. As I was going in to tell my mother…
Read More →Manifestation
I first saw The Secret about 3weeks ago at a friend’s house. She had asked me to watch it a month before that but I never got to it. After I watched it so many things clicked that I was slightly overwelmed. I went home and asked my husband to watch it with me and…
Read More →Healing with Joy Bugs
I watched The Secret just last week. I had been going through some rough times due to a degenerative disk disease that causes a lot of pain and often curtails my ability to work for long periods of time. No work means less income, which in turn causes more unpaid bills which cause more stress…and…
Read More →Money DOES grow on trees!
A few days ago I walked around the corner to the fenced dumpster with a bag of trash. On my way back I noticed (as usual) paper trash had blown into our little front area of bushes and perennials, now naturally mulched with several inches of dried leaves that have fallen off the lilac bush…
Read More →Two dollars to Five dollars in Five minutes
I had been listening to the Secret soundtrack in my car for the seventh time and pulled into a car parking space at the local shopping centre. When I got out the women who owned the car next to me was looking very perplexed and worried. “Whats wrong?” I asked. “I’ve lost two dollars and…
Read More →Awakened!!!!
I grew up as the “smart” one of my family and graduated near the top of my high school class with high hopes and expectations. After faltering and falling into deep depression my first few years as an adult, having 2 children right away, a failed marriage, I felt worthless and unworthy. Although I outwardly…
Read More →Pure Intention/Law of Attraction
I’ve been taking a 90 day self-growth seminar and one of my major goals is to get $250k for my band Otto’s Daughter to record the new album, be able to tour, promote, advertise. I watched The Secret and realized how much I’m still focusing on what I don’t want and how much I worry…
Read More →Deaths Doorway To Health And Happiness
My story is simple. I contracted the Hiv virus in the late 80s and spent ten years poisoning my body with Hiv drugs. I taught school and finally after a car accident, head injury and Hiv dementia and AIDS wasting syndrome, I quit teaching and decided one day that if I was going to die,…
Read More →Revealing Dreams
On July 25, 2006 I was introduced to THE SECRET. I was, once again, at one of the lowest points in my life. I say once again, because I have been to that place so many times that I was actually contemplating ending it all; I was worn down with the struggle. My introduction to…
Read More →What hurricane?
About three weeks ago Florida was under hurricane warning and watch. People panicked big time, they ran to their grocery stores and packed their shopping carts with supplies, put up shutters on their windows, lined up at gas stations to fill up tanks upon tanks of gas, and prepared for the “worst”. Schools closed down…
Read More →Car parks everywhere!
No matter where I go at any time in any location on any given day I always find a car park immediately. 5% of the time I have to wait 2 minutes! I drive stretch limousines for a living which require 2 car spaces in a row. In a busy city that’s almost impossible. Not…
Read More →The power of intent.
I was invited to a preview of “The Secret” which I attended and was blown away by the movie. I was so inspired by it that I could not wait to get to work where my PC is so that I could go online to purchase my own copy of it. My thoughts were so…
Read More →Million Dollar Baby
My company was the ex distributor of Konica Minolta in the Philippines. Konica Minolta announced to cease operations for their photo imaging division on Jan 19, 2006 due to big losses in 2005. We were on the verge of closing down the company. Truly, a sad day for me and my father I started visualizing…
Read More →“The Big Secret”
Hi there, I’m a musician/music producer from Norway. The last three years me and my partner in the music project Trold, have been planning a new cd-album release. It must be said that we have been interested in life’s mystical ways of teaching us things for a few years, and we have come across alot…
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