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You are the author of YOUR own life
Submitted by: Byron A.
Layton, UTI am 20 years old, Filipino, part-time Weber State University student, bodybuilder, proud brother, money magnet, in love with life, in love with love, in love with people, and in love with myself. :)
Hey guys! It’s Byron and I am back with another amazing story of mine that I would love to share with you all! Now let’s begin…
This year has been one of the toughest years of my life, but I have managed to pull it through, move forward, and stay positive no matter how hard the circumstances are.
Around October I was arrested for under age drinking, failed school, went through a third break up with my girlfriend, got laid off from my job around January, and recently, last April, I got kicked out of my house, leaving me with no car to drive. At first, I never understood why all these things kept happening to me, because I knew that I had read The Power and The Secret and I knew how much of a positive person I was… well, thought I was, until something decided to hit me on the head and tell me to wake up and look around me!
One day, I decided to go for a walk, since that was the best transportation I had for myself. During that beautiful day, I stumbled upon a park I have never been to, and something told me to sit down on the grass and open up The Power book I had in my back pack and read it. I opened up the book and after one hour of reading it, I realized I was thinking the total opposite to what I was supposed to be thinking about. I didn’t feel good about my relationship, because I was scared to lose my girlfriend again, which came to a reality. I didn’t enjoy my job due to the fact that I was constantly surrounded by grouchy customers and negative employees, although I had one of the highest paying jobs I’ve ever had in my life. I did not feel good about money because all I could think of was me having a LACK of money since I lost my job. All those negative thoughts bottled up inside and started to spill little by little, and resulted in all the things that happened to me this following year. I forgot how much negativity can hurt someone and totally change their life around. I was a great example. Many of you guys are wondering, “Well, how did you get kicked out of your house?” I’ll get to that in a minute. 🙂 But right now there is something important I would LOVE to share with everybody.
Back to my story about the park. After reading The Power for an hour, I decided to take out my workout note pad and decided to write down what my true life story was. And here it is:
“… I live an amazing life. I have a lot of friends who came to my life and have been there for me because they love me. I have a high-paying job and I make $2000 a month. My job pays me $15.00 an hour and it is located at the Hill Air Force Base. I have all the money I need and I can afford all the food I love. I work with a bunch of well-mannered, kindhearted employees. I get along with anybody I meet. I am always surrounded by happy people. I am always early to work from Mon. to Fri. I am always on time with paying my bills. I live in a beautiful home with four bedrooms, and my roommates are Brian (brother) and Mike (best friend), who also have high paying jobs. I am a proud owner of a 1999 Subaru Outback. It is already paid off, in great condition, and it drives fantastic. I have a wonderful relationship with a wonderful girlfriend named Sydney Shiba. We get along so great and we love each other unconditionally. I have the body I have always wanted. I always have a good workout no matter what. I manifest everything and anything I want!…”
After writing this, a quick surge of love and happiness rushed through my body almost as if something was lifted off my shoulders, like paying off my debt for example, ha ha! I read my life story out loud and folded it up and stuck it inside The Power book after I got done reading it.
Ever since I wrote this, my whole life changed, again. Since the day I got kicked out of my house, because I went behind my parent’s backs and threw a party at my old house, got laid off my job due to the low budget and the economy, and have had no car to drive, I have been so grateful about life. I am currently living with my brother, his roommate, and my best friend Mike, and I couldn’t be anymore grateful. I wake up every day and give my thanks to my brother for letting me stay in his place, a bed to sleep in, clothes to wear, a shower to stay clean, food to keep me satisfied, to be alive, to be able to breathe, to taste, to see, to hear, to touch, to feel, and to speak. I feel so great to give money to my brother for rent, heck, I feel good about money PERIOD! I have learned, no matter how much money you have in your pocket and your bank account, be grateful and don’t push it away! Whenever I hear the word money or when I think of money, I feel excitement!
More amazing things happened since I wrote that note back in April. I have been looking for a job since my lay-off from my job and I have had no luck. I felt like giving up, but every time I think about giving up, there is something that always tells me to not give up and that I am not a quitter. I kept trying for months and still no calls, but I remained positive with everything. Just last night, my brother told me that there was an opening for this job which was located at the HILL AIR FORCE BASE, and that THEY PAY UP TO $15.00 AN HOUR!!!! I couldn’t believe what he just told me, so I hurried up and put in my application and now I am imagining them calling me for a job interview and a position, and it does nothing but put a smile on my face.
Everywhere I go, I think of my dream car and I always see it drive past me every day! A Subaru Outback ALWAYS passes my way, and I just can’t believe what I am seeing!
As far as relationships go, I am currently talking to my ex-girlfriend Sydney, and we are getting along just fine! I keep telling myself, “We love each other and she wants me back in her life.”
Whenever I’m somewhere with my friends just hanging out, I see MONEY on billboards, MONEY on people’s shirts, and I see MONEY everywhere.
Could life get any better? 🙂
My advice to everyone is, don’t stop believing. When life gets hard, always stay positive. When it comes to relationships, there are always chances, not just SECOND chances, but anybody has unlimited chances if you put your mind to it and focus on the good of life. Everybody has their own insecurities, I’m an example myself. When you see and feel money, feel good about it. The more you feel bad, you just push it away from you. Feel good about life. Life is only meant to be lived once, so enjoy every moment of it, forgive and forget, and most of all, love. Thank you Rhonda Byrne for everything.
May the Joy be with you all.