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You Are The Answer To Everything You Seek.
Submitted by: S.S.S
KL, MalaysiaA seeker of the universal truth. Singer, doctor, humanitarian, animal-lover and a firm believer in the law of attraction.
I was introduced to the law of attraction as a kid from my parents. My father especially had read all the works of Napoleon Hill and had even attended talks by Bob Proctor. My brother and I used affirmations since we were young, for small things in our lives, like getting good grades, etc. But we still hadn’t internalized it as a way of our lives, probably because we were too young to comprehend it.
Last year, I found myself in a horrible place in life. I was in my final year of medical school. Somehow I had come to despise it. I had contemplated quitting medical school many, many times but I faced a lot of opposition from friends and family and I had no guts to make a decision by myself.
I eventually got diagnosed with mild depression. I had severe anhedonia every day. To get out of bed and drag myself to the hospital for rounds and classes was the hardest feat in the world. All my friends and family who usually surrounded me when I was lively and there to support them had ditched me the moment I told them of what I was facing. Some were skeptical and said that I just needed a mental adjustment. Others told me that I was escaping from the tough life of an upcoming doctor. I had never felt more alone and miserable.
In the years to come, I will never know how I survived those days. I was gripped with the feeling of despair and hopelessness; I had to take every day as it hit me. There wasn’t a more terrible feeling than one of not having any hope in the world. I never contemplated suicide because deep down I knew I had the law of attraction and having been acquainted with it since a young age, I never doubted its validity. I just couldn’t summon the energy to use it.
Then one day I dug up The Secret audio CDs that were in my house for years. I played it in the car every day as I drove to classes. Initially I had no energy to practice any sort of visualizations. I just lived off listening to the miraculous stories. For many months I just regained hope by listening to it.
Then one day as I was listening to Morris Goodman narrate the miraculous story of how he completely cured himself from his spinal cord injury, I broke down completely. I was sobbing because I knew it was medically impossible, but he had defied every doctor and done the impossible just by utilizing his mind. I was so astounded because my problems did not seem anything as terrible as his and here I was, prolonging my troubles by feeling sorry for myself, blaming others for my situation and feeding my depression. I resolved to work harder to fight my depression.
As I was driving one day, I was inspired to visualize myself on the day of my results announcement. I pictured myself being announced as the top student and visualized the shocked expressions on my professor’s faces. I pictured the joy my parents would have when I would tell them that not only did I graduate as a doctor, but I was the top student. The experience felt so real that I was laughing and tearing with joy in the car. I practiced this frequently. Somehow believing that I could achieve it as I visualized it was not a hard feat anymore. Till now I’m not sure of why that is, maybe because I listened to The Secret so often that believing in miracles was not difficult. Also maybe because I had begun to push myself in my studies that I knew my hard work would pay off.
After practicing this, the changes that came into my life were tremendous. I had joined a group of friends to study together and studying suddenly became so effortless because they were all hard-working and as a group we were so keen for everyone to ace the exams. I had no time to dwell on my depression because I was too focused on contributing to the study discussions. I still listened to The Secret daily and I believed that the universe would come through with it as long as I believed in it. I never allowed myself to even go near negative thoughts because that was not an option at all for me. When any of my friends spoke of failing the exams or doing badly, I would excuse myself and fiercely repeat the stories of The Secret in my mind to affirm my belief.
Wanna know what happened in the end?
On the results announcement day, not only did I pass my exams, I was ranked as one of the top 10 students!! Just as I had seen in my visualizations, everyone was stunned!
The Dean even stammered as he announced my name, probably because he was never expecting to see my name in the list of top students. My friends were completely stunned, it took them hours to accept that I had done better than them. Some even denied it and told it to my face that there must’ve been some mistake during the announcement. They even took the trouble to ask the examiners if there was a mistake, which there wasn’t, because how can the Universe go wrong in giving you what you asked for in the first place?
The examiners confirmed that there was no mistake and that I had indeed been in the top 10, which gave me more reasons to be joyous. I myself was stunned at how The Secret works; not because I doubted the universe, but because I doubted myself.
Everything that had happened had happened for the best. Being ditched from everyone I trusted and counted on only pushed me to The Secret and closer to God. I would’ve never had to stand on my own two feet and fight for myself if they hadn’t had left me when I needed them. As the saying goes, you never know how strong you can be until your only option is to be strong.
I have no resentment towards anyone now, because I know that everyone is just a mental reflection of what is transpiring within me. If I don’t like how something looks on the outside, I have to just change the mental image that I’m carrying within me. That is the true secret! But it takes days or months; sometimes even years to internalize this. The speed depends on you. How fast you can shift your paradigm. Knowing it intellectually won’t help. You’ve gotta realize it.
Now, I’ve been working as a doctor for the past 2 months. My 19 year old self in medical school would’ve never thought that this day would come.
Why am I sharing this story?
Because I want everyone to know that nothing is impossible, indeed. Also because I’m working on manifesting the next phase of my life and I needed a reminder of how The Secret changed my life before, and how it will change it again.
Thank you so much to Rhonda and the entire team of The Secret for giving this to the world. This is the eternal truth that is taught by every religion and every guru that ever existed.
You are the answer to your life.