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You Are Never Stuck.
Submitted by: S L Taylor
Newfoundland, CanadaI am a 37-year-old woman who has a wonderful family and children and a life full of creativity, abundance, and prosperity.
I am writing this story because I recently rediscovered The Secret and the LOA after having used it successfully many years ago.
15 years ago I was trapped in an emotionally abusive, toxic relationship. I was broke, I had a job that I dreaded going to each day and even when I left my abusive relationship I was harassed by my ex for years. Literally, I am now so far removed from the person that I once was and the life that I lived I can barely believe that I survived it and that it was me.
I watched The Secret movie and I purchased the books when they first came out and I practiced their teachings. Within a short period of time, I found a loving partner and we purchased our first home together. We had a beautiful child together and although it was difficult, slowly the toxic person from my past melted away.
Several years ago my mother became very ill and she survived an illness that had literally zero chance of survival. She baffled doctors, however, the trauma of this illness removed me from thinking about The Secret and I found myself in an anxious state. I was sick, medicated, I gained weight and I was working a job that I hated that paid well but literally surrounded me with toxicity 24/7.
Things had to change so I refound The Secret. I took a lower paying job but within a couple of years I worked my way up to a high paying job that I love with the same company and they are a wonderful employer. I bought a beautiful country home for relaxation and now I am trying to manifest winning my dream home in a local charity sweepstakes. Even if I can not manifest it, I still know I live in a beautiful house that many people would consider a dream home anyway. I lost 20 lbs, have a great job, I have a beautiful family and a life of abundance where my every need is provided for and my wants are also available to me freely. Years ago I had to go to food banks and now I give money to the food bank. Giving makes me happy.
Please, everyone, believe that through positivity you can be and are truly blessed and that your life can indeed make a miraculous recovery. I look around my life now and I only see abundance. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!