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Yin Yang.
Submitted by: blue butterfly1327
MumbaiI am someone who has always believed in the magic of the Universe.
Thank you, Universe for always having my back. I am so grateful that I didn’t give up on my love.
My love had broken up with me two months ago and I was really heartbroken. My exams were during that time and it was pretty tough because of this situation. I could see myself going deeper into depression every single day.
One day I realized that I did not deserve this depression and that I am worthy of endless love and happiness. I decided to live my life the best way possible and to keep myself and my mom, dad and friends as my only priorities. Soon I started feeling happy in my new reality. I got new, amazing friends and life was really good. Me and my friends went on a trip and that trip almost healed me. After coming from that trip I was so grateful for everything that I started loving myself deeply and I started doing everything I wanted to do.
Then the magic happened! Just two days ago when I was watching a video, my boyfriend’s text came. I was so overwhelmed with happiness and was totally shocked! And guess what?! He told me that he wanted to sort everything out with me! I am super happy!
Even after 100’s of people telling me to move on and forget him and accusing him of breaking my heart, I kept faith in my love and never gave up and here I am today with my results. It is true that when you really want something with all your heart, the Universe will conspire to give it to you.
Never lose hope my loves. This Universe has your back always, remember that.