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Submitted by: Deanna M-V.
Cleveland, OHI am 33 years old, married, and daughter of God the creator of my universe.
Shortly after I began to practice feeling gratitude at every second of every moment of everyday while practicing other powerful processes the miracles began to manifest. First, I began visualizing a check, I used the example given in the book and I FELT I deserved checks instead of debt. Miraculously, a couple days later I woke up and began to feel gratitude for the financial blessings I deserve. I felt it, and went with it, and I began my routine of opening the mail. There was a envelope from my old insurance agency and I wondered how they found my new address since it had been over 3 years that I had my policy through them and I had moved twice since. Besides, what did they want!?! I opened the envelope and immediately saw a CHECK in the amount of $500.00 for “refund deductible to insured for accident on 1/24/98”. WHAT, a refund of a deductible from a 10 year old claim!?!?! I was overwhelmed by emotions and began to cry with joy, gratitude, and love in my heart. It was the blessings I knew I deserved, it was more than the money that mattered to me. Right then I knew I was doing something right, I had begun aligning myself with the Universe and God!
The next day I went out and got the mail expecting more money. When I saw a letter from the I.R.S. and immediately opened it first knowing it had to be important. I began reading the letter and it stated we had paid up our taxes with half of our refund that we were to receive this year and our balance for taxes we’ve owed since 1997 was now paid in full with a $0.00 balance. It went on to say we were going to receive a check for $327.67 and “any interest owed to you” in the mail shortly. I was so ecstatic and so was everyone else in my household because a month before I began to master the secret I received a letter of debt from the I.R.S. stating we owed a past due amount of $1,100.00, and now it was paid in full and I was receiving a refund CHECK instead!! At that moment, I decided it was believable for me to receive a refund of $1,500.00 so I immediately crossed out the initial amount and wrote the new amount in, and I am now expecting my $1,500.00 tax refund that I deserve. It’s on it way!!
These two blessing were on a Friday (5/4/07 and Saturday (5/5/07), which meant Sunday (5/6/07) I believed my miracle blessings would come in different form than the USPS. I woke up Sunday morning continuing my NEW regimen and expected my miracle, but I wanted to be blessed with a faith miracle. I went about my day and stopped at Borders to pick up a copy of the book for my mother for mother’s day and the DVD for myself to share with everyone at home. Later that night, I logged on to the internet to check my email when I without knowing had opened my miracle blessing of faith. It was a email from someone named Eddie Coronado. I had no idea who he was, but my instinct told me to open it. It was then that I read how he was led to me with thoughts of inspiration and I continued to read his message. The entire time I FELT I was reading the message with all the answers I had been asking for these past few years, but the last two sentences blew my mind. It read……”I want you to know this is not a random or mass invite…..this is a personal one. I pray that all your dreams come true……”. At the end he signed it with his web address and asked me to take a moment to view and read to judge for myself. I did, and what I read was amazing!! This person is a famous Christian music artist who’s biography is beyond belief, and the message from the entire site in the form of words REIGNED with the abundance of the faith blessing I had ordered earlier. Monday (5/7) and Tuesday (5/8) have been one miracle blessing after another, and while some may be viewed by others as small they are definitely LARGER than life BEYOND BELIEF.