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Why The Secret Works.
Submitted by: Netra J.
IndiaMy superpower - the manifestor!!
So every time I’ve put up a story here all these years, they have not been published. I would always listen to my inner parent going ‘Hah, see that? No one wants to hear you!!’ or ‘You’re not important enough!’ and I would nod along seriously and go about my day. This story is about the realization that my inner parent was the most prehistoric and ignorant being in me. And if you are reading this, it finally got published. Take that, prehistoric inner parent. 🙂
To begin with, I was just going through the old photo albums of me in high school. I always had this burning desire to be transformed, for a metamorphosis. I always envied those who got plastic surgery and even those who were naturally pretty! I always felt beauty was ‘out there’ not ‘in here’. Now, my smartphone is open in the gallery app and I had a few photos of myself as of today. I look like a different person!! I actually looked like I had plastic surgery!
My mind zoomed back to all those years growing up with that burning desire. And suddenly I remembered that I was prom queen in my school with my crush, who incidentally liked me even though I didn’t like myself. This little kid who was well known for being frank, had actually walked up to me one day and asked me if I had plastic surgery done? You look different!. I recalled every single of the millions of compliments I received and my parents received for my natural beauty. I didn’t realize that they were always proud of me, just as I was and am.
How easy it is to forget this. My inner parents that got formed along the way tried to stifle my desire. Focus on too much of the ‘wrong’ media and movies gave me the wrong ideas. My modern inner parent will love me and only promote good thoughts. My old, prehistoric inner parents loved fear and panic.
If I want The Secret to work I must give love and respect to the modern inner parent like I would love and respect my real parents. Listen to words of love and encouragement, from yourself. As soon as my ‘magnifying glass’ focus shifted to my modern inner parent, my life has had a ‘metamorphosis’! I have a job that is custom made for me by the Universe. I have a loving, healthy family relationship, I have the world’s best friends, I have a loving soulmate who is exactly what I wanted and best of all, I have the most kind, generous, forgiving inner parents.
Thank you to Rhonda and The Secret team. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this. I love you all!!