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We’ve Got the Power! I Start Monday!
Submitted by: K.
Atlanta, GAI am a magical 25 year old woman ;)
I was working a well-paying job that I disliked and decided to quit and move to Australia without a job, despite being absolutely terrified I wouldn’t be able to re-enter the job market due to the economy upon returning home.
Australia is where I discovered The Secret. I watched the film and purchased the audio version of The Power and the Kindle version of The Magic. I began making gratitude lists on my long bus rides to the jobs I found in Australia. I listened to Girl Talk Pandora to raise my vibration and pour as much positive energy into my thoughts as I could while admiring the incredible beauty of the city outside my window–the way the sun sparkled in the trees, the light, the water. This is going to sound strange, but colors actually seemed significantly more vibrant after I began doing this. The concept of LOA was hard to believe at first, so I listened to the audio of The Power any chance I got–on the bus, when I was cooking, getting ready for work in the morning–so I could continuously instill the ideas in my head as truth.
I was working four jobs and began to miss my old steady 9-6 schedule, so I concentrated on appreciating all the aspects of my jobs that I could. The week I began doing this, job opportunities started coming out of NOWHERE. I wasn’t even looking because I didn’t have time. A man at an event I was hosting for work came in and it turned out he was working for the Sydney office for my first employer out of college and said he could give me a referral if I wanted. The next day, another man from an event called and said he loved my event hosting skills and offered me a job interview for a marketing position with his company. I didn’t want to stay in Australia much longer by this point, so I didn’t allow any of these things to come to fruition, but I was amazed.
Before I returned home, I had three great job opportunities arise in America. Two through friends and one with my former employer for a different position. None turned out to be the right opportunity for me. I wanted to work in a marketing role for a marketing automation software company. I started laying on my floor every night in the dark next to one of those Himalayan salt lamps that give off the soothing light and visualizing finding a job where I felt appreciated and inspired to do my absolute best.
I wanted to move to San Francisco, but had applied to jobs a year and a half ago without any luck.
Within a week of looking at photos of San Fran and visualizing myself driving beneath the palm trees of the Cali suburbs, I got a call from a company right outside San Fran within 10 minutes of applying. It turned out one of their major partners/investors had been a client of mine in Australia, AND they were using the same CMS/marketing automation technology I used in Australia. I was halfway through the interview process with them when I received an offer from a marketing automation software company on the East Coast for the salary I asked for doing exactly the job I’ve been looking for. I’m not upset about missing the Cali opp because I believe this opportunity is in better alignment with my goal of securing a job with an employer that really wants me, as I received the offer only three hours after my only interview with them.
This is real and you are powerful and you can make it happen! Don’t listen to all the bad news about the job market. It doesn’t apply to you if you’re practicing gratitude and funneling your emotions toward your goals 🙂