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Used the Secret without even knowing!
Submitted by: Nora D.
CaliforniaEnglish Major at Loyola Marymount University, and very much in love.
I grew up Catholic, and during Confirmation classes we had to listen to an abstinence talk. The speaker told us a story about a girl who prayed for her future husband to be safe and happy, and wrote down in her diary when she did. Once she was married, her husband found her diary. He recognized one of the dates that he nearly escaped death during a war. That night I went home and prayed for my future husband and wrote it in my diary.
At my high school graduation party there was a psychic. She told me I would meet my perfect man, and over the summer I asked myself what that perfect man was like. I wrote a very specific list of all the things I wanted in a man and all summer I imagined that perfect relationship.
The very first week of college I met Spike. We had a wonderful conversation the day we met, were friends for two months, and started a romantic relationship on Halloween. A few months into it, I found my list. As I looked through it, I realized that Spike had every single one of the qualities I wanted.
I remembered my diary entry from so long ago, and asked Spike if the date meant anything to him. It did: it was the day he almost died in an explosion in Afghanistan, and earned one of two purple hearts.
A year later I found the Secret, and realized that I had followed the Secret without even knowing about it! I asked, I believed, and I received! It makes me appreciate him even more every day.
We are still together, very much in love, and plan to spend our whole future together.