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Universe Knows What Is Best For You!
Submitted by: TJ
Pune, IndiaFinally at peace!
Dear All,
Recently, I posted a story on how troubled I was with my current job and wanted to switch over to a new job where I can travel with my husband every day, etc.
I must admit that I wrote this story even though it had not happened yet, as I had faith that it was just going to happen. Universe knows what we want and delivers it!
While I was busy getting happy about my new job and travel with my husband every day, Universe was busy planning something else for me.
Something better, that I had not even thought of!
I am from Pune and was living in Delhi after marriage. I always wanted to come back to my home town for several reasons, but did not know how to convince my husband and more importantly, myself.
As I wished for a new job, etc., Universe planned my move to Pune, and delivered it with a big bang surprise! My husband and I were having a chat and that is when he tells me he wants to move to Pune too! I could not believe my ears!
So then the ball started rolling. We looked for jobs and luckily bagged one each, very easily. We moved to Pune within weeks of us deciding on the same. Everything worked out just perfectly!
People, Universe is listening and giving us what we want. Universe loves us no matter who we are, no matter what we have done! Have faith and be happy. All good will come to you!
I am grateful that I have finally moved closer to my mom’s place and we have a much more relaxed life now!
Thank you all for reading. I hope my story helps you all in some way.
Thank you Rhonda. Thank you to The Secret Team. Thank you Universe!