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Submitted by: DevRaj
KL, MalaysiaHappy Lady.
Dear All,
Thanks for sharing your stories. Thank You Rhonda.
I’ve been practicing on writing a gratitude journal for the past 3 weeks after reading The Secret. A lot of good and positive things happened like:
1. People I know has been inviting us for breakfast, lunch and dinner at their place.
2. My working colleagues came at the right time when I needed some cash and brought some supplement that we use to get every month as a staff allocation for me. It was a lot of money. I really thank them a lot.
3. Distributors started complementing me saying I look very beautiful, slim and happy. Actually, I hardly talk to my distributors.
4. A loan was approved 2 weeks ago after many months of trying. That happened when I decided after making a payment and I said to myself that I’m the most happiest and blessed person on earth for being able to pay all my bills on time. Thank God and Universe. Just after 4 days, I received the call that my loan was approved. Thanks so much!!!
5. I started becoming a very happy and helpful person.
To cut the story short, I was really amazed to experience all the positive and happy things that had been happening in my life now. I feel so grateful for everything. At times I used to regret for not appreciating the life which is given to me. But trust me, I swear, it was just a waste of time and energy. Just get up and start giving out your thank yous for even the most simplest thing that happened to you today. You will know what I mean. Please don’t wait anymore.
Thank You.