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Submitted by: Stefan Stefanov
BulgariaI am 50 years old and from Sofia, Bulgaria. I have a wife and 3 beautiful children.
I was 40 years old when a friend of mine gave me a DVD with The Secret movie. I was working at the office of a local church at that time. I was not happy with my activities and felt like my life needed to go in a different direction. I was in need of money constantly, my life was in constant struggle and I was feeling so much stress.
When I watched the Secret movie I was speechless. I watched it again and again, every day for several months. I was totally fascinated. To make the long story short, as a result of The Secret message, an incredible process of transformation started to take place in my life.
I am 50 years old now, and in the last 10 years, I had an incredible journey through life. I founded a chain store with 10 shops for second hand clothes and furniture. I have 65 employees at my warehouse and the stores. I also founded a charity foundation where we have 10 employees. We are solving poverty issues and are creating many different projects with which we help poor kids to become educated, involved in sports activities and we also help unemployed people to be qualified for and find jobs.
Now days I am a happy and fulfilled person. I travel around the world, and I am financially free. Ten years ago I wanted my life to be changed completely. Now my life is transformed and I am helping others to find peace and happiness.
Thank you! It all started with The Secret. I still watch The Secret from time to time but not often because I know it by heart and I have memorized all the dialogue.
God bless all of you who created The Secret movie. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Stefan Stefanov
Sofia, Bulgaria