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Thirty Flirty and Thriving
Submitted by: D'Vette
Phoenix, AZI'm an upbeat positive woman who enjoys every moment of her life. I AM So Grateful for my family, friends, boyfriend, and all the joy and amazing moments in my life.
I’ve always known about the Law of Attraction. Since I was born, I was taught to believe in the impossible, ask, visualize what I wanted, and it would manifest. But unfortunately I was my own worst enemy, and I didn’t feel that I could create such magic in my life.
On my 30th Birthday my Grandma gave me a copy of The Secret DVD, and on that milestone day I sat very quietly and watched it with much enthusiasm. I decided it was time to put it to the test. I was working a temporary job and a part-time job making little money. I was determined to turn this all around. I decided to take the necessary steps to get what I’ve always desired in life. I took my paycheck stub out of my filing cabinet and decided to make a few changes. I work in college education as a temp and my title said ‘receptionist’ on the paper. I decided to scribble it out and in its place wrote ‘Student Services Technician’ – a position that requires advising students for College. Then I changed the pay-rate to what I wanted it to be. I even thought to change my marital status from single to married. Whenever I started doubting my goal, I kept saying that I was a permanent employee in the College System.
It took three months and the universe started making some changes. My boss approached me and told me that a department had closed on campus and they needed to place those permanent employees in other areas. He was letting me know that my job may go to one of those people. He didn’t feel this was right, unfortunately I knew that’s how it goes as a temp. I was really upset but then I got really calm and felt an overwhelming sense of peace and told myself that everything was working in my favor, and I would get my perfect job soon enough. In another month my boss approaches me and tells me that the person who was supposed to get my job found something better. Then in another week he told me the most amazing news ever. My position was becoming permanent and that I should apply for it. I did, and guess what? The Universe delivered my perfect job for me, and the position became a Student Services Technician with more responsibilities, great pay, benefits, and growth opportunity. Within a year’s time I’ve also participated in learning and leadership activities that my job provides, improving my skills and guiding me to even greater positions in the future. I knew I was a blessed person, but now I accepted it, and look what happened?
The following year I met an amazing man whom the universe conjured up. I’ve always wanted that special person, but I would meet people in bars, clubs, or other places, and I was having a great time but I was frustrated because I was a good person so why was I attracting these strange, unpleasant, and undesirable men who didn’t want anything serious? Then I realized that my thoughts were contradicting my actions. I wanted the right person and a committed relationship in my life, but I kept partying and living a care-free single life. I decided to get my actions on track, so I made a vision board. I cut out and pasted an image of a girl that looked similar to me with a fun-loving, guy. They are outdoors hiking and he is giving her a piggy back ride, and they are laughing enjoying each other’s company. I posted another beautiful picture of a loving romantic couple embracing, and under it there was text printed saying “Ever After.” I also made a list and got really specific with the qualities I wanted in my man. Then I started doing other activities, away from the single girl club scene, like working out, going out to dinner with my friends and my family, going to bookstores, and movies. I did go to bars occasionally but it was for the purpose of having fun with my girlfriends and not to meet anyone. Finally a month later, I met him at the airport and I found out we were on the same flight going to the same destination. We sat by each other on the plane and starting talking. I realized that we had all these amazing things in common, from movies, to outdoor activities, to politics, and religion. We exchanged numbers, went out, and he turned out to be one of the best men I’ve ever known. What I had envisioned as the perfect mate and what I received far exceeded my expectations. Each day and moment I spend with him is a blessing.
I’m so Grateful for all the gifts and changes that have happened in my life. I know that anyone who truly wants the very best for themselves in life can have it. They just need to see and believe the potential within as having it NOW, visualize, and accept it into their world.
It took me 30 years to get the Law of Attraction down, but it’s working. People can learn it even sooner, so test it out and reach for the stars. My next goal is to travel internationally. My boyfriend and I want to visit Europe soon.
I wish you all an amazing life – the way it was intended. Keep sharing your amazing and inspirational stories, but most importantly, “Feel Good Now.”