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The Universe proved it to me!
Submitted by: Calvin S.
Manhattan, KSI had originally watched The Secret movie in December, but didn’t really take action then to make it a part of my daily life. However I noticed that The Secret would appear and stand out when I would go to the store…. a book at one store, the CDs at another. I finally bought both so I could really take in its message again.
I would listen to the CDs on the way to work, and decided that since one of my daily problems was getting to work on time (I’m always 1-3 minutes late), I decided to start small and see if I could improve this using the Secret.
The next morning, I got out of bed, and began to be thankful for making it to work on time, and thankful that time can stand still for me. Now normally it takes me 20 minutes to make it to work right on time, but I left the house with close to 15 minutes before I needed to be there. I didn’t rush, as this is a spirit of not having enough time. What I noticed was, hardly any cars were on the road in front of me! In fact I still got to work with 2 minutes to spare! Wow, this really works.
I decided to think bigger after this. I remember listening and really taking in the part of The Secret where it said that when you request Financial health or checks, don’t expect that the only way for you to get it is through work. So I began being grateful for financial abundance day after day.
About 3 days into this, I received $200 in my bank account from an Army travel voucher I had forgot about. This made me happy. So I repeated the phrase “Thank you” so many times for it.
That same day I received an email regarding a class I was taking. I thought the fee for the class was that same week, so I was unsure how to pay it since I didn’t get paid until the week after. The email stated that the class did indeed start the week after! That meant I had more money to last me until Payday!
I believed it couldn’t get any better. 2 days later at work I received an email from HR that stated a review of my benefits had recently been done and the company owed me a lump sum of $299.74!!! In addition, they gave me a 3% raise they said was owed to me and was originally overlooked. I literally jumped out of my seat in amazement and delight and began saying “Thank You” so many times within myself.
The story gets better. This week several of us had a luncheon for certain employees that had done well in the previous year. It was a nice lunch, but just shortly before leaving the Managers stated they had a gift for us. They had given us each 4 gift cards worth $25 each! I smiled and thought, “The Universe has proved it to me!”. I called my sister to share my story right away.
I had lunch with a friend later that day, and because my text message from The Secret stated “Today transform someone’s world with a good deed.” I gave her one of the cards to use so she could buy her kids Easter presents. I didn’t mind, because the Universe had brought me abundance now, and by sharing I was saying “Thank you” and “I believe”.