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All My Needs Met Immediately
Submitted by: Carolina
Los Angeles, CAMy faith became stronger with the help of these stories! When I first read them I had tears in my eyes and was so sad and disappointed with life. Less than a year later, I never thought I'D be sharing a story! The Secret has brought tears of happiness to me! Please ask, wait and receive!
I always lived by the LOA but never knew it actually existed. I always had the best friends, I was the funny fun girl to be around and although my entire life I’ve been over weight, I’ve always gotten what and who I wanted.
I heard about The Secret in 2007. It all made sense to me! But, I never read the book or applied it to my life until about 3 years after. I had always said that I wanted my soul mate to have green eyes, attractive, dark complection and he and I would have chemistry and a bond that was unbreakable. I made it clear I wanted him to be my best friend.
When I met my boyfriend I immediately knew the universe brought us together. He was everything I wanted and asked for. Even though by now I had read the first half of The Secret and was a bit aware of the joy it could give you, I let myself live on auto pilot and become insecure of myself. I would cry every night and ask why doesn’t he love me as I love him? Why does he push me away? One lonely night I pulled out The Secret and read it all! I realized I was doing everything wrong! I was focusing on what I didn’t want from him and how I didn’t want him to treat me vs. what I expected! I drew a simple picture of him and I happy and saw it everyday. I even had a picture of us to remind me of the joy on my wallpaper on my cell. Anything that could of kept me happy! It was hard for me to feel the love that wasn’t there. So I started reading these stories, I stayed positive, and every chance I got I would day dream of him kissing me, telling me he loves me (something he never did) ,hugging me, and even proposing to me in front of the Disneyland castle! By doing that I FELT my way into actually convincing myself he actually did treat me like that. I even became calm because I EXPECTED him to treat me as I ASKED.
One day I just realized, my dream came true! He was calling me all day, looking for me, kissing me, I was in heaven! My mistake was I thought to myself, “This is too good to be true” and “This would end soon”. “YOUR WISH IS MY COMAND!” And just like that it all ended. He was worse now than before! I then immediately got to work! Back to day dreaming and said, “THE UNIVERSE MEETS ALL OF MY NEEDS IMMEDIATELY”!!!!!!!!!!! And just like that I knew things would get better! And they did! He told me he loved me and even asked me to marry him! I don’t have my ring yet but he is interested in taking me to Disneyland this summer! Now I know that I DESERVE THIS! It was not too good to be true because It was meant for me!
Please BELIEVE! You’re worth it! Yes you!!!! Being positive isn’t enough. Feel what you want and believe it’s yours already! And say and believe! “THE UNIVERSE MEETS ALL OF MY NEEDS IMMEADIETLY!”
Thank you!