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The Universe Listens, Delivers
Submitted by: Mrs. THM
New Delhi, IndiaA 29 year old lady who is grateful for her new job
Dear All,
I am a 29 year old young lady, married for a year. I started off my new life a year ago in a new city. Just like others, I too was excited about my new life.
Well, fast forwarding a few months, once I moved here, I started looking for a job. Initially, it was quite frustrating just waiting for recruiters to contact me. After a few highs and lows, I finally bagged a job. The catch here was that it was at the other side of the city, which meant travel for 4 hours a day. I took it up thinking I can do it!
I liked the job profile offered to me too. In fact, that was the reason which made me stick around with the company for 3 months until I realized something very important. This job was physically and mentally very taxing. For a woman handling a household and a stressful job, I was starting to lose it completely. My health suffered and I spent less time with my husband too! I was too tired to spend time with my little pet.
Finally, I reached a point where I had to chose between family and health, and a great job role.
Any guesses what was my choice?
Correct, I chose my family and health.
As soon as I decided that, I got a job offer from a big firm.
This company was closer to home (we shifted closer to our job place), I could travel with my husband every day and I spent quality time with him and my little pet.
It made me happy to see them happy! My health improved and the job role that I bagged here was quite good!
Dear All, have faith and never give up! Good things will come to you. Just wait and watch. Keep smiling, stay happy.
And Thank you for reading!