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The Taxman
Submitted by: Kidcubed
Toronto, CanadaSelf employed owner of ad agency
I submitted to the universe that I wanted my income tax bill to be half of what it was last year. A questionable challenge since my income from business remained about the same.
I met with my accountant and the numbers looked promising. Only when I returned to the office and reviewed everything did I see the magic in the universe’s order.
My liability last year was $5,420, meaning this year would have to be $2,710 to be 1/2 way. Incredibly my tax liabiliity this year is $2,477, or $233 less than the 1/2 way point.
I still don’t like having to pay, but paying less than 1/2 of what I expected tells me once again my prayers/ requests to the Genie of the universe are being answered.
Next year, I am asking for a refund!!