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The Secret really works!!!
Submitted by: Rosie
Perth, AustraliaA true believer of the Secret!! :0)
I LOVE The Secret and have read the book, watched the movie and read the many stories over a dozen times. They totally inspire me and give me hope!!
Recently, I decided that I needed to lose some weight but did not have the time to go to gym, as I have young children. I figured that I could exercise in the morning before work (5.30am) so thought some gym equipment for home was the answer. My only problem was finding the money for a treadmill and exercise bike. I worked out for a decent set I would need around $1500 and didn’t really have this spare.
I didn’t lose hope. I just put it out there to the Universe and made room in my lounge for the equipment and acted like it was coming. Now, keep in mind that I DID NOT share this request with anyone. Two weeks later, my father asked if I wanted a treadmill (in very good condition) because a friend of his had given him one for free and he didn’t want it!!??!! Um – YES!!!!! 🙂
Then two days later, I was at my sister-in-laws house and mentioned that I was looking at buying an exercise bike. She said that her ‘expensive’ exercise bike was now an expensive clothes rack and I was welcome to have that for FREE as it was taking up valuable space in her house!!
I just COULD NOT believe it!!! I received the exact TWO items I wanted and didn’t have to pay a cent!!??!! They are now located in the area I had prepared for them and I couldn’t be happier!!!
Oh…..I also receive tickets to events that I want to go to and lots of things like that. It truly is amazing!!! All I do is focus on something I want and REALLY feel that I want it and then ‘let it go’. I truly believe that is the key. Letting it go seems to bring it to you!!
Thank you for The Secret, Rhonda!! It’s FANTASTIC!! :-))))