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The Secret Is Essence Of Many Faiths
Submitted by: Tim R.
Boulder, CO51 year-old Colorado native
Greetings to all!
I became aware of The Secret as a movie/DVD on Oprah’s show.
I just recently got the DVD, and am now in the process of watching it a number of times, and really beginning to apply it.
I have been checking out the website a bit, and ran into Reem’s posting about how, for him, being Islamic, The Secret is a consolidation of the essential teachings of that faith and tradition.
I would like to thank him for his posting!
I too wanted to offer, for the benefit of all, a similar comment from a Buddhist perspective. My tradition is Tibetan Buddhism; my teacher’s teacher, during his lifetime, was one of the Dalai Lamas main teachers.
I have heard it said that all of of Buddhism can be summarized in a single English word: APPRECIATION — aka gratitude!
I could go on, to a full essay length, in how the principles of The Secret, in so very many areas, are completely in harmony with what the Buddha taught!
What is so wonderful about The Secret is that it captures so many essential points, and does so in a way that is independent of any particular faith and tradition — and so is thus supportive of all! In that way, it can benefit people who are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Celtic, …, or not associated the any particular faith.
I cannot easily express in words how wonderful it is that this “nyingtig” — this “heart treasure” (in Tibetan) — that is at the very core of so many wisdom traditions, indeed all of the wisdom traditions of our world, is now available to ALL!!
Thanks to all the folks who have brought The Secret to the world! For sharing their time and dedication and wisdom in not just stating the ideas, but also in helping do so in a way that people can relate to these profound teachings in all the various aspects of their lives, from relationships to themselves to money to …
May God, by whatever name, in all the languages, be praised for manifesting a love indeed supreme in arranging the universe in a way the embodies this truly miraculous truth! May all beings, human, and all that live on this precious planet, benefit!!