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The Secret is amazing
Submitted by: mnikcevi
New YorkOpera singer and new move to the city
About a week and a half ago, my sister told me about this great film she had seen called, “The Secret.” She was very excited about it and told me I needed to go out and get it right away. I thought, ok, when I have time I will. Sure. Over the next few days, she kept calling me to see whether I had gotten it or not. She didn’t let up and finally caught me when I was out and about, went online to find one at a local store, and said “They have copies there – go get one. It is on your way home. After you watch it call me.” I agreed, went to the store, and I admit it bought it a bit grudgingly. I got home, had dinner, then put it on. Within the first few minutes, I was hooked. I wanted to call her right away and tell her, but I got so into it, I couldn’t turn away. The minute it was over I called her and shared with her how excited I was by it and how truly amazing it was. After a big “I told you so” we discussed it in-depth. (I watched it again after the call ended, and got to work that night.)
The next morning I woke up feeling wonderful! I felt so good, I got out my book and started writing all I was grateful for, what I was seeking, and everything I wanted, all the while taking my time and visualizing as I went. I had been looking for a job for almost 2 months by this point, but had a job interview that day. I felt so great when I left my house – and all day for that matter. Wouldn’t you know, I got the job I interviewed for and start this week! I know this is part of the secret. The ideas in The Secret are something I have been aware of, on some level, for quite some time, but seeing this film has really tied it all together for me. I am working on it daily and have been feeling wonderful ever since that first night I saw the film. (I ordered the book too!!!) Thank you so much! The Secret has definitely changed my life, and I know it will be something I use for the rest of it.