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The Science Test Underdog
Submitted by: Tyra
Darwin, AustraliaHappy teenager, all my dreams become my reality, because of the simple LOA blessed by God and Jesus my Saviour and grateful to know The Secret :)
It was the day before my end of unit Science Test and my mum and I went to my years Parents Evening to see my current progress and my Science Teacher thought I was working at an average “acceptable” stage in my class and didn’t really expect much out of me and doubted me, and I wasn’t really ok with that, because I don’t like being under estimated as a person in general.But I don’t mind being the underdog 🙂
Anyway I went home that night and for some reason It really did bug me that he thought of me like that so I decided that I would use The Secret and prove my Science Teacher wrong I didn’t know how I was going to do it considering that I really wasn’t that great at the topic of Electricity, but in my head I just knew that I did it and that I passed and really truly believed in my heart that I did it and how great it felt to know that I proved my teacher wrong.
So that night, the night before my test I revised, but didn’t obsess or stress because I reminded myself at how good I felt that I passed my Science test and how proud my mum would be, so I told myself I would get a 6a (equivalent to a B).
So I sat my test and just let it flow and surprisingly seemed to just make sense easily not like it did before. I just told myself I got a 6a and that was that. So I get my test paper an it was out of 38 marks and I got got 31/38. I was so over the moon and overjoyed it was amazing, unbelievable, I was so happy and ecstatic. I didn’t even get a 6a, I got higher a 7c (the next sub level up equivalent to a B+). I was so happy I believed and I achieved I was so grateful my mum was so happy for me. As for my Science Teacher, he was extremely surprised and said “WOW!! Great work” Yeah I’m pretty sure he won’t be doubting me again lol!