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The Reunion of My Dreams
Submitted by: Kris
Central FloridaI am a 28 year old women who is finding new things to be happy about every day!
When I started putting The Secret into practice, money was very tight in our household. My 10 year high school reunion was right around the corner but I wasn’t sure how my husband and I would be able to afford to go. The tickets were $65 per person and we would also have to pay for gas and a hotel room. I told myself that I would not think about the obstacles and instead I would focus on getting there and having a great time.
Everyday I would picture myself reuniting with my old friends and having the time of our life. I saw myself making new friends and talking to people that I did not speak to while in high school. I laid out what I was going to wear and tried it on several times. I knew that I was going to get there and that it was not for me to worry about how. There were a few times where doubt did enter my mind. I would think “Is this even going to be worth it?” I would not allow my mind to stay in that negative place. Whenever I caught my thoughts drifting away from positivity, I would change my mindset and think about something that makes me happy.
About three weeks before the reunion, I received a letter in the mail telling me the balance of a company savings account from my old employer. I have not received information on this account in so long, I forgot that there was a substantial balance in it! Not only did I have enough money to go to the reunion, we were also able to pay off four of our credit cards and we still had money left to host a reunion cook out!
Now that the reunion has come and gone, I am sitting in awe of how good everything worked out. The venue changed about a week before the reunion was scheduled and instead of having it at a hall where we would of had to pay $65 per person, it was held at a popular night club/casino where we would only have to pay for what we wanted. I was able to catch up with and meet the families of several of my old friends at the cook out we hosted with the money we saved. A long lost classmate who I reconnected with, worked at a hotel and was able to get us a room much closer to where the party was for a very discounted price. I made what seems will be like a great friendship with someone I did not speak to much while in school. My husband and I were able to spend a lot of time with one of my best friends and her husband. We ran around like we were in school again and made memories that neither of us will soon forget. Even the price of gas went down! I had such a positive experience and I know it’s because that was what I manifested.
I’m over joyed about using the law of attraction in other areas of my life. I know that an abundance of blessings are working there way towards me. I am a much happier person and it is evident in every area of my life! I am now focusing on becoming healthier, bringing more money into my life and having the career of my dreams. I have always been a believer of God and I know His works. The Secret has shown me how to put my faith into action. For this I am forever grateful! Thank you God for all that you have blessed me with and I thank you in advance for all of the great things that are soon to come!