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The Life I Made For Myself
Submitted by: Natalie S
Toronto , Canada26 years old
I was told by my parents to watch The Secret about a year ago, and I did. At that point in my life I was unhappy, stuck in a job I didn’t want, battling depression as it got worse every day. I watched it, but at the state I was at I just couldnt grasp it, so eventually I forgot about it. About 6 weeks ago I was at a temporary job (because I still hadn’t found the job I wanted) and I was on my break, so I decided to go in the internet to pass some time.
I don’t know why or how I started to think about The Secret, but I did, and I went on the site. I looked around for a while. When I went home that night I went to the television, picked up the movie The Secret again, and watched it. This time I was determined to pay attention. Then I started to do the things it told you to do, like being grateful and thinking about thinkgs that I wanted for myself. I started to make lists. The dream job I wanted, the type of relationship I wanted to have with my boyfriend, the amount of money that I wanted to make at the new job I would find, and the way I wanted people to treat me and interact with me.
So now it’s the end of March, it’s been about six weeks since I have started to “feel” what I want out of life, and guess what? I have it. Everything I asked for I got. I have been looking for an interior design job for about 6 years now, and hadn’t been able to find one. My friend called me about 3 weeks ago with a posting that she had found on the internet, so I applied. A week later the owner called me to go in for an interview. As I was driving there I pictured her offering me the job on the site, and offering me the salary that I wanted. At the end of the interview I had the job, and she gave me the salary that I wanted no questions asked, with a raise already promised to me in 6 months. I am now working doing what I have always wanted, and it’s because I allowed myself to recieve it by doing the things that The Secret said.
My relationships with everyone in my life has improved dramatically, and in two years with my boyfriend I have never been happier. We are closer than we ever have been. It’s like we stared over in such a positive way, I can’t even explain it. Our relationship was once ready to end and filled with tension and negativity, now people look at us and tell us what an amazing thing we have together and how lucky we are.
I finally feel like I have found my path in life, and I truly believe that if you are grateful for what you have, the universe and God will bring more things that make you happy. Every aspect of my life has improved drastically, and I have never ever been happier than I am right now. There are just too many things to list that have come into my life to make me happy. I can’t write all of them because that would take about ten more pages, but I plan to make a hundred thousand dollars this year and when I do I will write back and tell you about it.
If you don’t believe in the law of attraction, please take it from me, someone who was so negative and skeptical about it, IT IS REAL. It is a little difficult to shift your way of thinking after being in this world and being dissappointed for so long, but in a matter of 6 weeks my life has transfromed and I have The Secret to thank. I am a completely different person and everyone around me is noticing. They are all in disbelief. It’s amazing. If I can do it, please believe me, anyone can – just have FAITH. It means everything! It changes your whole life and brings unlimited happiness. Believe in who you are, what you want, but most of all believe that thoughts become things!!!!
Thank you so very much!