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The Heat is On
Submitted by: Tina V
Bay of Plenty, New ZealandI work in the natural health sector, helping to motivate people every day.
The gas heater suddenly stopped working, which meant no hot water, no shower….!! It is at times like this that makes me feel really grateful when the gas burner is working.
My husband was worrying about the cost of the replacement unit and worrying about the insurance company not covering the cost of a new one… would they consider it wear and tear or natural age corrosion? I told him not to worry as The Universe has already got the solution sorted. (I hadn’t told my husband that a month prior to this event I had THANKED the Universe for $2,500.00. At the time I had no idea why that amount appealed.)
He lodged the claim with the insurance company and they replied within a week and said they would pay $2,500.00 of the costs and we would have to pay the balance. The cost to us was $250.00 which was the excess on our policy. At that point I showed my husband the email I had sent to myself saying THANK YOU to the Universe for the $2,500.00.
Thank you to everyone involved in bringing The Secret to the world’s attention. I happily buy copies of The Secret and gift them to people who are in a bind, which they are very grateful to receive. I ask them to pay it forward and share the knowledge with someone else in need.
My motto is ‘there are no problems, only solutions’. Always look at the positive side of a negative situation as every cloud has a silver lining.