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The Exact Amount!
Submitted by: Francis
CanadaLoving Mom, Wife and true believer!
I have known about The Secret for years but hadn’t really put it to use. My husband and I were dealing with many stressors, one being a custody battle to gain primary custody of his kids. As you can imagine this comes at a very large cost. We decided we would do anything we could to help the children as we felt so strongly they needed to be in our care. We would scrape by, we would stress about money but we managed from month to month.
I purchased ” How The Secret Changed My Life” and read the whole thing within 2 days. I decided from that point on that I needed to do something. I needed to make things happen!
I began writing down everything I was thankful for as if I already had it. I showed gratitude daily and kept an ongoing list on my phone. One specific thing I was thankful for was a large sum of money. I wrote down the specific number every day and was so thankful for receiving that amount. I didn’t know how I would get it or when but I just knew that I would.
Well the other day my husband came to me and said “I am stressed about money, but only for another week or so.”. Confused, I asked him what he meant. He replied “I am getting a large refund” and when he told me the amount I almost fell over! It was the exact amount I had been giving gratitude for!! I was in complete shock! We could now pay off some of our debt and not stress about money! I told my husband I had been giving gratitude for that money and that’s why we got it!
I can’t wait to keep manifesting! Next time you hear from me I will have primary custody! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!