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The Date Passed By
Submitted by: Margie
Poquoson, VAI'm a Sr. Designer at a Marine Engineering Company.
After watching The Secret a few times and listening to the audio book version at work, I was inspired to write down the exact amount that I wanted to see as the gross amount for a two-week period following my next performance evaluation at work. I wrote down the amount on a post-it and the date I expected to see it on my pay check. My evaluation came and went with only a very minor increase in salary. However, I didn’t remove the post-it and still imagined it as if it were on it’s way.
Two months later, an error was discovered and I wound up receiving a 29% increase in salary. The best part is that the increase was retro-active back to the date on my post-it note. Actually, the increase I received was $20 more than the amount on the post-it. So, in reality I DID receive the intention on that specific date, even though it seemed as though it hadn’t manifested yet. The post-it is still there reminding me to never loose faith.