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The Body: Miraculous Mending and Wholeness
Submitted by: Darlene Mobley
Atlanta, GAMiddle aged female living and working toward retirement from 26 years of work. I have lived a relatively healthy life. In 2004 I broke my ankle in two places causing pain, surgeries and anguish until I grasped hold of The Secret.
I experienced a broken ankle in 2004. It caused me to be away from my job for a couple of months. Because it was broken on both sides of my foot, I was in a great deal of pain. I found no relief after 6 months of continuous pain. I went to another specialist and found one break had not mended. This again required surgery the next year. I recall I complained so much, I got tired of hearing myself!
The orthopedic specialist did the surgery, to correct the break. However, I continued to experience pain. The specialist thought I was just faking, and so did my employer and co-workers. The next year I went to a health fair and met the next episode in my life for surgery. This ankle and foot specialist removed the metal, did a bone scan and removed any arthritis that had built up. I mended well and was relieved of some pain. Then I spoke to my sister about The Secret. I began listening and found what I had been doing wrong. The first thing I did was clear my mind of negative thinking. I ceased to discuss any information about pain or stiffness. I began seeing my body as I was created to be, whole and full of life. Soon, not only did I notice the difference, but others I worked with did also. They began to ask me about the new transformation in my life. I just told them I found The Secret!