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Thank you!
Submitted by: Mirna
Croatia22 year old, dreamer and believer.
This is basically a general thank you for creating The Secret. It has only been two months since I watched the movie and read the book and my life has already transformed. I always had this knowing deep inside that there is more to this life than what I thought growing up. With the “accidental” (now I know better) discovery of The Secret movie through a friend I finally found the missing puzzle piece. It was like an epiphany.
Now I am happier than I have ever been, more grateful than ever and every day more and more eager for what is about to come because I KNOW it is going to be amazing. My finances have dramatically improved, my timing is perfect, and my relationships with others are getting better every day. I know now that I am the creator of my own reality and that making all my dreams come true is just a matter of time.
Again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! My life will never be the same.