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Tangible Mystique
Submitted by: Ameee
Harlingen, TXI'm a stubborn individualist, and I think you can get a good idea about me if i say that my new year's resolution was to defy mediocrity. :D
I never really had any money growing up, and for my entire life I’ve pretty much lived with the idea that you had to abide by the rule “the end justifies the means” and be a total selfish jerk just to get it. I hated money and I would constantly remind everyone of that fact.
I saw the movie, and I’ve read the book a few years ago but never really tried to put any of it into action. But recently I’ve been so down and completely out of money that I had to do something. I kept getting laid off, and rejected for the jobs that I applied for, I mean even telemarketing companies that hand out jobs like candy wouldn’t hire me. I finally got hired and (this is ridiculous, I know) three days later I saw on the news that the company had gone bankrupt. Needless to say, I never got a call from them with my new schedule.
Soooo, here’s where it gets good, this Monday I picked up “The Secret” book for the first time in years, looked up the chapter on finances, and practically read my own life in the “reasons why you don’t have money” section. I was constantly saying, “That’s too expensive,” “Well I would, but I don’t have the money,” “I really hate money, I wish it didn’t exist,” “I’m so broke right now,” etc. etc. etc. I decided to give this secret a try… every day I would look at all the things I wanted and say, “I can afford that”. I would wake up every morning excited and yell to my family, “I’m rich!!!” I would get the mail from the mailbox and say, “Five thousand dollars for me??? Fantastic!”
I proceeded to write a poem for money, talking to it like it was a good friend or a lover. On Thursday, I printed out a blank check from this website, filled it out to myself with the figure $500,612.00, dated it May 6, 2010, and signed for the universe with a smiley face. Now I know this is a weird random number, but I love random, and that’s the first number that came to my head. I put it on my nightstand and looked at it for two days in the morning when I woke up and at night before I went to sleep, and at various times during the day whenever I saw it.
Today is Saturday, LESS THAN A WEEK from when I started putting The Secret to the test, and today I got a check in the mail for $611.54, that, rounded up is $612, precisely the weird random number I wrote on my check from the universe!!!!! That’s not even the weirdest thing, the check was dated MAY 6, 2010!!
THANK YOU UNIVERSE!! When I get that $500,000.00 I’m buying somebody a boat 😀 😀 😀