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Surround Yourself With Happiness!
Submitted by: Helena
GermanyJust a girl about to start a new chapter in her life.
Hello everyone!
Before I start, I would like to thank Rhonda Byrne for writing this book and to wish for each and every one of you, that your wishes may come true, from the bottom of my heart!
I had been using The Secret in school in order to attain the grades that I wanted and I ended up graduating at the top of my class with only one person being better than me. I was also voted the German equivalent of Prom Queen, too. Sounds like I had it all, right? Well it turned out that bubble was about to burst.
Just a few days after graduation, I got diagnosed with an illness that can turn into cancer if it is left untreated for too long. I had to take a lot of medication and restrict my diet a lot. I had also applied for two different scholarships and I got the rejection email from one of them soon after. All of that left me feeling disheartened, but then I remembered The Secret and it’s teachings about health. That was when I decided that I was going to make a full recovery.
I started to turn my mindset around. For every pill I took, I gave thanks for the body type I wanted at that time, for my health, the university I was planning to be going to and for my scholarship. I also surrounded myself with friends and watched funny videos to make myself laugh a lot, while trying out fun new recipes with the foods I was allowed to eat.
It later turned out that the illness, which had been discovered by accident, had not been discovered a moment too soon and it was still treatable. I started enjoying myself, doing what I wanted during the holidays and feeling healthy. Whenever a doubt about anything tried to enter my mind, I replaced it with a thank you for whatever I was doubting the reception of, until I barely thought about it anymore.
And what do you know?
Only a week later I found out that I scored the scholarship! The treatment for my illness only had to go on for one and a half months instead of the planned three months for my health to be completely restored! And soon after that it ended and I got the acceptance letter from the university I had always wanted to go to! I am now making preparations to move to said university and my scholarship is paying for all of it.
I know it sounds to good to be true, but the key is to remind yourself that there is no such thing as ‘too good to be true’ for you. You and everyone else deserve all the good you want. Just let go of your wish and surround yourself with happiness and gratitude for even the most mundane things and the Universe will provide for you.
I wish you all the best! Thank you, thank you, thank you!