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Submitted by: Gail A.
Boston, MAAspiring fine artist and business owner.
It has taken some time, but the more I read, “The Secret” (going on my 3rd time), the better I’m getting at practicing your teachings, which in turn are beginning help to change my belief systems. This has not been an immediate process though (about 2 years thus far). Adopting new belief systems is most likely not easy for most people.
Please remind others that after being newly introduced to the teachings in this book, they may not manifest like lightning. The tendency is to expect miracles and then lose heart if nothing happens right away. For me it has involved steadfast belief in your teachings and faith that my dreams will come to fruition if I continually practice your techniques over a period of time.
Even though there are still gaps within my dream and it remains a mystery how all the pieces will fit together, just by virtue of the fact that things are starting to turn around for me proves that there is merit to The Secret’s teachings.
From here, my work will involve continuing to practice in earnest and allowing the unresolved details to fall within the universe’s capable hands.
I hope and pray that the next note you receive from me will be a resounding success story.
Thank you again for all you have done and continue to do for the evolution of the human spirit.