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Start With Something Small.
Submitted by: Vaibhavi Vaghela
Montreal, Canada.I am Vaibhavi and I am based in Montreal. I am a stay a at home mom. I am looking for job opportunities and a successful, independent life.
I saw The Secret documentary back in 2010 or so, but I did not practice it at that time. Then again, in 2018, I came across the book and started reading it. I read it again and again. Also, I got the book “How the Secret Changed My Life” from the library, and I am just so happy to read the stories that inspired me to practice every day. I did start small, and here is my story.
This is something that I tried for the first time after reading the book, How The Secret Changed My Life.
So, there was a March school break going on for my daughter, and I looked up library activities that were for her age. I was so late that all of the activities I wanted for her were on the waiting list. We generally need to register three weeks before, and I registered two days before. So, there was zero chance of her getting into any activity. So, from the day when I registered my daughter, I kept visualizing her attending an activity.
On the day of the activity’s start, we both went 30 minutes early. I kept visualizing it and believing that she was in. And yes, she was in the activity, though she was on the 8th waiting list. She enjoyed it to the fullest, and I was so happy to see her happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This stuff really does work. Just believe with your full heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you!