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Soul Mates
Submitted by: Becca
New York, NYI am a graphic artist experiencing the love I have always dreamed of.
I first watched THE SECRET only recently, however the concept of the power of attraction has always been a potent force in my life. It was only until watching THE SECRET that I had employed its concepts throughout my life. However, as I found in this wonderful film, I became impatient at times with the manifestation of my goals and would ultimately allow negative feelings to override my “unwavering hope”. Ultimately causing the adverse outcome I wanted.
This concept could easily apply to my relationship with the man in my life. I met him some time ago and we had dated. To give a little history on our particular story. Like I said I had always used the power of attraction in my life without knowing. So when I first saw a picture of him 3 years prior, I sent out the message to the universe with UTTER CERTAINTY that this man and I would one day be together. I simply knew it and forgot about it.
3 years after seeing this man’s picture, I wound up on a job with him. At first I couldn’t discern where I knew him from and why he was so familiar to me. Then it hit me! He was the man from the picture! I wound up in his work environment and the ATTRACTION was overwhelming.
During the time we were dating however, my life had taken a turn for the dark side. I allowed doubt, fear, hopelessness, and depression to reign supreme. I feared I would lose him so much, and eventually I did. I always held out HOPE that we would come back together, and I simply knew we would.
Months later we did wind up working together once again. All the attraction and love was there exactly as I remembered it. I was shocked – as our breakup seemed so abrupt – that this man still cared for me deeply. What was once uncertainty seemed to be replaced by a rejuvenated love for me.
I still did not know what to do as I wanted him back but not in the painful, fearful way that we had each other before.
THEN I was lent a copy of THE SECRET. It stayed on my desk for a few days untouched. When I finally watched it I was BLOWN AWAY! Never before had I been so hopeful. I was filled with light and the knowledge that ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING WAS POSSIBLE!!!! Including having this man who I feel is my soul mate back.
So I made a vision board for our relationship. Instead of distant, fearful images that would recall our past. I put romantic images of us coming together. Of our life together. Of a deep abiding love that connected us at a soul level.
Sure enough as the weeks passed our communication improved, and our desire to repair our relationship intensified. When we finally spent time together all the qualities which I had put on my vision board were there. All this in only a few short weeks!
Not all the images on my vision board have manifested, but I KNOW THEY WILL! I can’t wait to see our love bloom into the perfect love I have requested from the catalogue of the universe. I am truly happy and grateful now that I have my soulmate; mind, body, and heart.