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She Is The One!
Submitted by: Jason
UKI am a true believer in the power of the Universe. I am always keen to learn and grow, and I try to cherish every moment.
First off, I would like to take this opportunity to thank an ex work colleague who introduced me to The Secret as I was complaining about the lack of power I had over my life. Secondly, I would like to thank the many people who inspire me with their stories and make me believe that nothing is impossible.
I think the main reason I am writing this story is because I have noticed that there aren’t nearly as many men who have stories to share on here as women, so I thought I would write my story to hopefully inspire the other men.
Anyway, my story is about finding my perfect soul mate. Now, I know that men aren’t traditionally allowed to show their true feelings as it is seen as a weakness, but I truly believe that men have a greater ability to love. Love can truly transform lives, and without it, we would be truly lost.
Well, I had got to a point in my life where I was really down and low about not having, not just a partner in my life but my soul mate. The person who was my equal and the person who I could love, let go with, and live my life with. I had felt like this for a while, and I just couldn’t put my finger on why I was never finding myself in the position in which I sought. Now, I had spent time with women, romantically and sexually, but I never found myself with someone who I felt was my equal.
Then one day I came across a story of a woman who was experiencing the same problem I was having and she decided to write a list of all the qualities she wanted in her perfect partner. This list contained over 150 qualities!! I first thought to myself, how on earth can you come up with so many, but it suddenly popped into my head that that was a search for a negative response. Now, I knew I could get negative about things, but it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I really became aware of my negativity, like an epiphany. I have to admit I felt scared but also very intrigued.
So, I decided to do the same thing. I wrote down all the qualities that I felt I already possessed, that I wished to possess, and the qualities that I wanted in her. They were important ones to me, and they included having patience, intelligence, being funny, and loving. I also included qualities that might seem superficial but were important to me, like dark hair and a toned body. I also put down hobbies that I enjoyed. Now I only got to 58, but I was happy that these were the main ones, and if anything new came to me, I would add them as I went along.
Now, I looked at this list every morning and just before I went to bed, reading every single quality, and while reading them, I smiled. I created this woman in my head. The picture was never quite clear, but I felt I had enough to start the creative process. I did this creative process over and over for two weeks, but nothing had happened.
Then, one day, I was on a pen pal site just looking around when I came across this woman who I was instantly drawn to. I had a quick look at her profile and pictures, and I just thought, ‘Wow!’ She physically had the qualities I had been looking for, but I was unsure of what her personality was like. Well with knowing The Secret and knowing that when you get that ‘internal nudge’ to act, you should act. I acted. I wrote her a message about a walking the ‘three peaks’ challenge she had completed. She wrote back, and we got talking. I enjoyed our conversations, so we kept talking every day for about a week when I had another ‘internal nudge’ to ask if she had a number I could contact her on. She said yes and gave me it.
Well, of course, I texted her, and we got talking even more. I was happy with my progress and was not expecting anything new to happen straight away. Well, out of the blue, she asked if I had Skype, and I said yes. We decided on a day we would chat, and we did it. Well, she was a very cool person to talk to. I loved her voice, and she was so well spoken. I found out some interesting things about her and I felt I really wanted to get to know her better.
Now, you have to understand that I can, not necessarily get shy with women, but get to a point where I get an idea, and I never follow up with it in case I get rejected. Well for some reason, it just felt right to do these things with this woman and every time I suggested something to her or I thought about it privately to myself, it just came true.
She has complimented me on things and seems to be enjoying our time together. She is playing a little hard to get, but I really do not mind, it is fun.
Now you may think, ‘ But you have only just met her,’ but she seems like the very person I have been looking for. I have decided that I will put all my effort into meeting her in person. I am excited about how the next few months will unfold. My personal life is a little up in the air at the moment, but this still does not deter me.
I proposed that we have another Skype date, but this would be a Valentine’s Skype date. Another internal nudge!!! Haha!
She thought it was a romantic idea so I know where I am going to be on the 14th of February.
I do not know what will happen in the future but I am very confident that my love life is on the up and up. I will continue every day to feed positive thoughts into my head and visualize what I want to happen next.
To all the men who may come across this, all I can say is that if you create a list, open up yourselves, and start seeing the world as you want it to be, then nothing is impossible. And if you get that internal nudge, then go with it. The Universe is speaking, so start listening.
Good luck to all!!!