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Secret Challenge
Submitted by: Gracie Phillips
Pensacola, FLMusician, Consumer Dispute Specialist. I am 43 yrs young, and single. I have been searching for something, now I have found it...THE SECRET!
I discovered The Secret about 3 weeks ago through friends who own a spiritual shop here in town. I purchased the book first and started reading. Then I viewed the dvd and decided to issue my own challenge to the Universe. I always seemed to be in the negative where my finances are concerned. I issued my request that I wanted a 5% payraise at my job. I have never heard of our company giving such a substantial payraise before in the 7 yrs that I have been employed here. I focused on the amount that I wanted, wrote it on the shower wall every morning while I showered for work. This past Wednesday I had my performance review. I almost fell out of my chair when my supervisor showed me what my new payraise would be…6%! It was more than I had orginally asked for! I was preparing to leave for a short vacation, so I immediately purchased the audio cd. I have listened to it all the way to Tallahasse, and on the return trip home. I am so stoked that it is amazing! The Secret has changed my life and the way I think. I fully intend to use The Secret to bring about a romantic relationship, and perfect helath. Thank you for sharing this concept with the world!