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Rocky Road
Submitted by: Tomomi W
AustraliaFrom Japan, a bit shy but passionate
I met my partner a few years ago, and our relationship had been on-off. I have always loved him, but he wasn’t really able to for a reason. But after he went on a holiday by himself, he proposed me and we got happy. But then I had to go to Japan suddenly, on his birthday, and he got annoyed and almost told me he might not want to get married and shattered my heart. I retired to the room and put The Secret DVD on, on the PC, and watched it over and over.
I made a list of why I love him and collected photos of wedding dresses and focused on them.
Saying “I respect him, I love him because… and he loves me too.”
Well, a few weeks later, he again proposed to me, and we are having the wedding in 12 months!!