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Rekindled My Romance With The Pen.
Submitted by: Moon
Universe, God's favourite childA firm believer in the powers of the Universe.
The Secret does really weave wonders into our lives, and I am a living testimony to it. Long, long back, I was very enthusiastic towards becoming an author and would read just about anything and everything my eyes fell on to. But somehow during the course of life, I ran with the crowd and ended up being an Engineer putting my author dreams on the back burner. But since I stumbled upon The Secret, I visualised being a writer and wrote a wishlist to rekindle my romance with the pen. And within a week, I am back into writing!
Yes, after almost 110 years I have gone back to writing and it has a new dimension to my happiness. I couldn’t be more content in my life! Thank you to The Secret team and especially Rhonda Mam, for sharing this knowledge with all of us. Love you to the moon and back.