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Realizing That Gratitude Is The Key Here.
Submitted by: Galina Tulovsky
New York, USALearning to be thankful.
This is mostly a realization story.
I discovered The Secret six years ago and then went on to reading a ton of Abraham Hicks material but nothing ever changed. I could not get myself to feel much better. I tried to think better feeling thoughts, focus on what I wanted, say calming things to myself and try to find the feeling place of how it would be to have what I wanted. That very last one would work for a few minutes but I dunno, I could never really keep it going.
Then I just completely stopped with LOA teachings for about a year or two and moved on to others such as Adyashanti, Mooji and Eckhart Tolle which offered me some great wisdom but I think I was trying to reach “enlightenment” like they did. Not because it was something I was truly called to, but because I just thought it could save me from feeling so bad and being so depressed and scared all the time, since LOA hadn’t worked. Needless to say, I had given up on the whole “seeking enlightenment thing” for now.
What I think was missing all along was GRATITUDE.
I don’t think anyone has ever truly stressed it’s importance, or perhaps I missed the point all along. Maybe it’s just me, but after coming upon all these Secret Stories and discovering The Magic and truly making an effort to be genuinely thankful, I realize that this seems to be the only thing that truly makes me feel better.
I did make a very detailed list of everything I want in my life. But still, being thankful seems to make me feel much better, not visualizing or intending or listing my desires or any other process. I think maybe it is because I never truly realized how un-thankful I was all my life. If you are not thankful for what you have received in the past or have now, no amount of visualizing or vision boarding or listing what you want is going to change that.
It’s a huge relief, to find out that it’s not about visualizing or making lists or vision boards or acting like you have what you want, but about being thankful!
I feel like if you are thankful then you don’t have to do the rest and good things will just come to you because you are radiating thanks and gratitude. But if you are trying to manifest like I did for so long, but were never once truly thankful for ANYTHING in your life, then I don’t think very much can happen that way! Maybe it’s just me and maybe people have other ways of feeling thanks or call it something else.
So I just wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank you to Rhonda for bringing to my attention that it is about gratitude and thanks.
Thank you so much. Thank you for the book. Thank you for writing it. Thank you for sharing it with the world. Thank you for reminding us that it is about being thankful.
Thank you thank you thank you.
I am only on day 2 of The Magic but I hope to be back here with some great stories to share! I am already feeling better, so thank you!!!!!!
It just feels so good to say thanks and be thankful for what you have and have been given by others and the Universe, instead of trying so hard to get things to come to you. 🙂