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Manifested Full Lips No Surgery
Submitted by: Syd
MichiganThe LOA is changing and shaping my life for the better. Thank you The Secret!
This may sound unbelievable at first, but the LOA has shown me that if I’m able to manifest anything I desire, so can you!
Okay, so I have wanted beautiful, plump, full lips for years now. I have never been interested in surgery or injections because I simply don’t believe it’s necessary. I decided for a while that I wanted my dream full lips naturally!
Now, I asked for this along with other things regarding beauty. I asked for beautiful, natural-looking, full lips along with clear skin, darker eyelashes and more hair. I would think about it often, but would feel awful when I would look in the mirror. I got to the point where I felt like I had to avoid the mirror until I had my desired face.
But nothing was happening. In fact, I felt uglier every time I would see myself in the mirror.
So some time went by and I randomly realized something I had been completely missing. I had to feel beautiful now! I had to feel beautiful from the inside, as it would radiate outside. I stopped wearing so much makeup, I became care-free, I felt lucky and beautiful and happy. I didn’t even have to think about the little things I wanted to change about myself because I already felt like I was beautiful!
So, I let go. I let go of these things that I felt like were impossible to do and I simply began telling myself I am beautiful. I didn’t look at myself in the mirror for minutes at a time like I did when I was insecure, but when I would, I continued feeling beautiful because my mind was already so convinced that I am beautiful.
A few weeks later, I developed an allergic reaction on my top lip. I had no idea why it was happening; it almost didn’t make sense to me. I am allergic to nothing and I did and ate nothing differently! I started to questioned why I manifested this. I began to worry and couldn’t understand what was going on. It was swollen, itchy, and felt completely dry to the tongue. It felt like a million tiny bumps were on my lip. I couldn’t understand it, but I knew and believed it would get better. I stopped worrying, and it went away a week later.
And about 3 days ago, I developed another random allergic reaction, this time on my bottom lip. The reaction was quite different, although the only similarity was that it became swollen.
And at that moment, when I was looking at my bottom lip, I looked at the top as well. I took a step back in the mirror, and realized something! My lips were beautiful and exactly how I’ve always wanted them to look!!!
Of course I could still see the reaction on my bottom lip, but I could see how full and plump and beautiful they were becoming! I am so thankful for the humor the Universe can put into manifestation. I just kept quietly laughing and giving thanks for this odd way of manifesting my desired lips.
I am now left with healthy, beautiful, full lips. Along with this, my skin is almost perfect as well.
Thank you to The Secret!!