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Pregnant, Twin Girls After Infertility!
Submitted by: priyanka mayur
houston txMy name is Priyanka. I am 30 years old and married for 5 years. We were trying to conceive for the past 2 years.
We had been trying to conceive for about 2 years.
I am diagnosed with PCOS and my husband is healthy. After 4 failed IUI’s with medicines and injections, it seemed like it was not meant to be.
My husband had ordered the book The Secret awhile ago. I started reading it. After reading The Secret and watching the film we were determined to make a change in our attitude.
I decided in my mind that I can not only get pregnant, but have I will have twins!!!
I started imagining me and my husband leaving the hospital with beautiful and healthy twin daughters. I imagined entering our house with me and our daughters in our hands. I ordered the clothes and necessary supplies I would need for the babies.
We had names for our babies and we started talking about how our life would be with them. I thanked for the beautiful and healthy twin daughters every day. I wrote every day that I will have a successful vaginal delivery of twin daughters on a particular date.
And viola!!!
We are pregnant with two beautiful daughters now and due around the same date that I wrote!!!