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Permanent Stay In The U.S.A
Submitted by: M
HoustonI am beautiful young lady excited with so much joy and gratitude about the love of God for me.
I am just excited to share my story of faith. God is a miracle worker and answers our prayers. I believed strongly that I was going to have a permanent legal stay in America this year after being here for about 12 years for school and work.
I am so grateful to say it is just the beginning of the new year and God has already done it. It wasn’t easy but I just kept believing that he has done it and constantly saying my affirmations and thanking him.
I am grateful for the people that have been sharing their stories and Rhonda as well. You have all been very encouraging. I shall be back soon to share another amazing story about how God has brought my boyfriend back home to me.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!