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Perfect Life!
Submitted by: Lillian S
Essex, UKBeliever, who never gives up, no matter what.
I have been meaning to put my story out there for years. When I first discovered The Secret, I was overweight, single and doing a job that wasn’t really going anywhere. I had also always wanted a dog and my mum had always said no.
I had to read The Secret and watch the DVD a few times before the message sunk in, and in the last few years, my life has completely turned around. I have an amazing boyfriend, I have lost weight, I have an amazing job and I got a degree that I am so proud of myself for.
I also now have a dog! My mum seemingly changed her mind overnight after years of being terrified of dogs!! Literally, everything I had ever wanted in my life I now have, and I am so happy and grateful for discovering The Secret!
I would like to give everyone the message that it is so important to never give up hope. Even when what you want seems completely impossible and as though it could never happen for you, I want you to know that it can. We all deserve to have, be and do whatever we want in this life.
Now I would like to manifest better sleep for myself. I know that with the help and guidance of the Universe and being grateful for what I already have, I can attract 6 to 8 hours a night of blissful sleep.
Thank you to Rhonda and the team for making The Secret public knowledge. My wish to anyone reading this is that all of your hopes and dreams come true.