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Passed My Viva Exam After A Little Hiccup!!
Submitted by: Kins
I belong to the UniverseA happy person spreading positivity around me.
So, this is a story about me passing my Viva exam which is an oral exam for the company that I am currently working for. I am working now but there are a set of exams that we have to pass in the training to stay in the company. I had passed all my exams and there was only one test remaining regarding the company training, a scenario-based test and a Viva based on that test, each for 10 marks. The passing criteria for the test are 60% overall. That means I had to score a 12 out of 20 on the test and the Viva combined.
I was not prepared well but I already knew about the law of attraction and The Magic. I was tired of having to give so many tests even after I had started working and so I just wanted to pass this exam without much preparation. The written test went well but I was worried about my Viva exam. Unfortunately, the Viva did not go very well but I was still hoping that I would pass since I was sure I would get a 100% score on the written test. So, I would need only 2 marks to pass the entire exam.
Unfortunately, I got my results back a few days ago and I was short of passing by 0.5 marks! This was really heartbreaking since the invigilator seemed unnecessarily strict and also slightly rude. So now I focused on the Universe working its magic and I have passed this exam without a re-test. I wrote this story ahead of this since I was confident I would pass the test. The Universe has helped me several times regarding similar tests and hence I was sure that the Universe would work its magical ways in my favor this time as well! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much to the Universe! Thank you so very much to Rhonda Byrne for The Secret and The Magic. Thank you so very much for the power of the Universe. I will always be forever grateful!!!