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Nothing Is Impossible, Everything Is Possible.
Submitted by: 🪄🪄
IndiaI am a doctor and joined neuropediatrics in my desired college and with my desired rank.
For the Universe, nothing is impossible and everything is possible.
So after completing and graduating from medical school in India, I was preparing for my PG entrance exam. I had joined several classes and test series so that I could get good guidance for the exam. I studied for 7 to 8 months and the exam was about to happen on Nov 16th. However, somehow on Oct 15th, we got to know that it was going to be postponed, out of nowhere!
I and my fellow friends were all stressed because the exam was postponed and rescheduled for Nov 6th. I was so worried about how I was going to be able to complete so many study portions in only 10 to 15 days. Then again, I knew about The Secret and I started using affirmations and I did visualizations about my results and desired rank.
On the day of the exam, I was feeling positive. I gave my exams and came home safely. The answer key was released and somehow I did not think that I had scored too well but the results and rank were still to be announced. I was so negative during those days and stressed about my results. However, then I started thinking positively again and I did affirmations as if I already knew that I had what I wanted.
On the day that the results came out, I was so tired because I had been studying for the other exams I had. So I slept late and woke up late on the morning of the results day. I woke up had breakfast and was about to study when I noticed there were so many calls, messages, and congratulations! And guess what!? One of my friends told me that I had secured Rank 4 overall in the exams! Yes, you are reading it right!
And I already got into my desired college and my desired specialty. Tears rolled down my eyes as I was feeling super grateful for everything! I am Universe’s spoiled child and the Universe gives me everything so easily and smoothly. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Universe!
1 Never give up.
2 Trust the Universe blindly.
3 Have faith in your desires.
4 Stay positive no matter what your situation is because circumstances do not matter.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Universe! Magic dust to everyone and Thank you to Rhonda ma’am and the team. I am super grateful to you all! Lots of love and good wishes.