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Not just a house – a Home.
Submitted by: Margaruta R
Sunny Central Coast, NSW, AustraliaWife of the most amazing man in the world, and mother to his 5 gorgeous children.
Where we come from – our past thoughts and feelings – do not bear returning to. In the shorts however, we were a married couple with 5 children living in a tiny 3 bedroom townhouse with no yard and no natural light. It was a cave without the sprawling wilderness outside.
We knew that we needed to move, and for almost 12 months we tried without success to get a home loan to move our family into a real home. Change was something we had been holding on to, almost desperately. We desired to move to the coast, we wanted something to help us make our lives much better. Thats when it finally came. My husbands ex had a sister who lived close by. She knew he was a skilled graphic designer and was in need of one for her new business. After her visiting a couple of times, she came over one day with a disc – telling us we had to watch it. It would change our lives.
That night my husband and I sat down to The Secret. It stirred something in us, not like learning how to use it, but remembering how we are supposed to live. It also rung out with many a thing he has said “Dont think of the past unless you want to go there”.
With The Secret teachers, we were able to fine tune our thoughts and feelings to something far more helpful. We again went head first into finding out new house. One visit to the coast saw us stop at a lake for lunch. My husband started talking to some people there who advised, dont buy immediately. You dont know the area, so rent first and then decide where you want to move to.
This advice was sound, and also took much stress off us immediately to follow as trying to pick an area was becoming cumbersome. We also sat down and worked out a list of all that we wanted in a house. From rooms to how big a garage. It was a very specific list.
In the search to rent, we hand a huge list of houses to visit. We came up to one, close to all we wanted. It was gorgeous. It met almost all our requirements for our perfect house. It was missing the dishwasher. (Doh!)
So we applied. We also applied for one more house – just as a reserve – because while it also met a good majority of our list, it wasnt our preferred house.
We went back to the townhouse that night, knowing we would have to wait up to a week to hear the answer. 3 hour drive, we discussed many a thing, mostly how to set up the house.
That week, every morning I would wake up, and close my eyes again, imagine myself walking out into the huge entertaining area (a bonus not on the list, but on our requirements for the wedding) and taking a deep breath of the air.
Thursday morning, the feeling of the breath was so real, I could feel the cool crisp morning air. Thusday afternoon the agent called – we were approved.
That house is now our home, the most wonderful house we have ever been in, and we are grateful for it every day. It was not just perfect to our list (minus the dishwasher) but the area and locality to amenities was perfect.
Our next intention is to buy our home.