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MyBusiness Skyrocketed!
Submitted by: Tarah
Omaha, NEI'm a pastor's kid who grew up moving all over the country. Now I've settled down with my husband, and, for the first time, I feel like I have a home. My degree is in Music Ed. I have a beautiful baby girl, and I'm working Mary Kay so I can stay home with her.
I’m a Mary Kay consultant, and I get all my money from sales. If I don’t have appointments, I don’t have sales. Last year, I had a high risk pregnancy, gave birth to a daughter, had gall bladder surgery, and nearly died from pancreatitus. Needless to say, I was not able to make many appointments during that time.
When I started to get better in mid-December, I visualized my datebook being full of sales appointments. I had one party in December. I kept on visualizing, and in the first week of January, I booked seven appointments! My January is full to the brim, and I’m making money hand over fist. It’s all thanks to the Secret.